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This is true. Roman shouldn't need to struggle to lift him.
He's like the lightest dude on the roster.

And, if he still struggles... well... I just don't know what to say.

He's going to struggle. Rollins isn't even that big and Reigns almost dropped him last night.


If Finn wins, that would make 2 guys in a row (Finn and Ambrose) that are worse than Roman in-ring getting pushed ahead of him. Weak.


So, is this Finn "paying his dues" or is the idea that by beating a fan favorite tonight, Reigns looks strong?

Because he doesn't look strong that way.


That was his entire run in NXT though

I didn't joke around when I called him Finn Cena.
I admit, I didn't see all of his matches on NXT. The only ones I can remember offhand are against Apollo Crews, which was EXCELLENT, and that crazy match against Samoa Joe. But yeah, if that's gonna be his claim to fame here, I can't jive with it. Would make me look like a total fucking hypocrite.
Yeah I'm with ya. I like his running drop kick move but I wasn't really into any of his other moves. His finisher is shit. Maybe he'll grow on me over time.

He just doesn't gel well with anyone

Vs owens, vs Nakamura, vs Joe

Joe was good, but all those guys mix well with each other. But not with balor. Balor is so vanilla.

Just let him feud neville for the cruiserweight title and set up balor club. He shouldnt be main eventing shit


Good Art™
Fuck you wwe. Owens is unlucky he debuted on RAW just before they decided to give a main event title match to every new hot indy superstar. AJ and Finn Balor have instant push while the ones debuting just before will be in midcard forever.

Basically Owens has been pushed back to start of the queue. He cannot even qualify to a fucking RAW main event to qualify a first contender..


People who think Finn is any good crack me up

As comebacks go that was uh



After losing clean to both Seth and Dean, I think that Roman's push will slowdown a little for now

Actually I really think that Sami will win the Fatal 4, and Roman will be put in a feud against Jericho for SummerSlam
Fuck you wwe. Owens is unlucky he debuted on RAW just before they decided to give a main event title match to every new hot indy superstar. AJ and Finn Balor have instant push while the ones debuting just before will be in midcard forever.

He beat Cena clean on his debut. In the long run that probably more favourable booking that AJ or Finn will get.
Fuck you wwe. Owens is unlucky he debuted on RAW just before they decided to give a main event title match to every new hot indy superstar. AJ and Finn Balor have instant push while the ones debuting just before will be in midcard forever.

Oh come on. AJ was consistently over and put Roman over better than anyone else could.


I'm legitimately surprised. I thought he'd be well liked here.
He's boring as shit. Nonexistent character, weak mic skills, corny demon gimmick and average in-ring work. I don't think I ever saw a Balor match in NXT where I went "Huh, Finn looked fantastic in that match". It's always the other guy that stands out.
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