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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
When is Vince going to ditch Samoa for the actual mega athlete farm?
This Raw has had lost of smart little moments to make the bigger moments feel better. The show feels like it gels together really well. It is one big whole not just a bunch of pieces thrown together. More of this please!


I'll go ahead and say it, friends. RAW's roster is refreshing as heck now. Solid card tonight.

Bonus points for the lack of JBL blabbering over it. Graves can actually string together coherent thoughts instead of yelling random statements in the same cadence
It's amazing how not having JBL yelling and way less Steph trying to one-up everything makes 3 hours a bit more manageable.

But what happens on the weeks we don't have fatal four-ways and crazy-awesome women's championship matches?
Premature Demon would be bad for Finn. He should only go Demon to end feuds that really matter. WWE might try to force it every PPV, but that's too much as well.


They should do something like Jakyll and Hyde with Balor. Sometimes he's fun, like now, but then when he's pushed too hard he becomes the demonTM.


Did they use the whole roster tonight? How do u feel about seeing this same roster every week?

Good question. Feels like there's a lot more room to breathe, but they did have two 4-mans. That said, also two feature squashes.

I'm am very interested to see where they take Stroman. Good call having him break off from that goat mask.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Finn's probably questioning why his opponent gets to wear armor to the match
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