gofreak said:
PS3 must be selling very well in Europe (and 360 not selling so well at all) if donny's YTD estimates are accurate. i.e. selling as much as NA+JPN combined. I make it that about 2.1-2.2m PS3s have been sold in the US+JPN sofar this year (~750k more than 360). So it would need to have sold..850k more than 360 in Europe alone.
I suppose it is possible, but it just initially struck me as a much larger gap than I'd expect.
I separate into Canada, U.S., Japan, and everything else. Europe is obviously a big part of "everything else", but I just wanted to clarify. As far as the total accuracy of the PAL/Other sales, it's hard to say. Nintendo is the only ones who have broken out sales by region lately, so that doesn't help. Nintendo did have a chart with the first 16 months of sales for the Wii, PS3, and 360 as well as weekly sales in U.K., Spain, France, and (I think) Germany through Week 15 of this year, so that was a big help. For the last couple of months, we've gotten updated France and Italy numbers that show a big Wii increase (corresponding nicely with the April/May U.S. increase), and a general PS3 trending upwards since around GT5

rologue. There were also reports of an increase for the 360 with the price drop that have since faded some.
i.e. It requires a fair bit of guessing based on the little available data.
That said, I do keep the numbers separate, so if more data comes out for those PAL/Other territories, I can go back and change it. I try to be very clear that the worldwide totals are just an "estimate," though.
As far as the specific YTD numbers in PAL/Other, I have the PS3 ~800K higher. A good deal of that is carryover from the 40GB increase early in the year, and then the substantial increase with GT5

rologue's release.
First 15 weeks of 2008 in Europe.*
* - I believe they are actually referring to Spain, Germany, U.K., and France combined. They've called that combination "Europe" before, too.
Stumpokapow said:
(not sure if donny's using MC or Enterbrain, but I'd guess Enterbrain)
Media-Create, just because that's what I have readily available.
sionyboy said:
Hey Donny, where will we be able to find the prediction results?
When the prediction thread has been locked before, a new thread has been started for the results. It'll probably be the same this time around once Cheesemeister has the time to compile the predictions.
indie85 said:
Still want to hold such an absurd stance on the future of blu-ray?
What I find disingenuous about every comparison of Blu-Ray to DVD adoption rates is the fact that Blu-Ray already has its trojan horse released (PS3), while at the same point in DVD's lifespan, its large spur (PS2) wasn't out, yet. Once we get past the point of the PS2 release in DVD's lifespan, we'll be in a much better position to compare the Blu-Ray vs. DVD adoption rate lifecycles.
matmanx1 said:
Ugh, Nintendo already owns half the monthly NPD software sales charts. Just imagine what is going to happen when Animal Crossing Wii, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Music hits. We are looking at the very real possibility of an ALL NINTENDO dominated NPD chart in the not too distant future. Oh my...
Historically, what's happened in Japan has been a precursor for how the rest of the world typically plays out. Companies rise and fall much quicker there, and that rise/fall usually makes it out to the rest of the world later. A lot of people have written off Japan's influence this generation, but, at least, the Top 10 seems to be following Japan's level of Nintendo presence.