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June 2008 NPD Sales Data


Sony ought to give Kojima 24 hour blowjobs and completely fund whatever the hell he wants to make next.

That's how an exclusive moves a system.


*taken from the NPD prediction thread, i post here since that other thread was locked, no problem for me though :)*

Frillen said:
nib95 said:
So that means roughly 250k MGS4 bundles were sold? Amazing numbers for MGS4. Over a million including bundles. Here I was thinking (months ago mind) it would only be 600k lol. MGS4 sales smashed my expectations tbh. I thought the nature of the game (extreme hardcore orientated) and lack of install base would hurt sales.

Ahhh, fanboys lowering their expectations so that the numbers looks better. Cute, but WAY to obvious.
I think he ment 600k software sales, not 600k PS3 consoles sold. I do agree that it maybe can looks like he first med the total numbers of PS3 consoles sold for June (atleast that is the way i understood it after reading nib95's post 2-3 times or so in the begining, i guess i didnt read them too closely, sorry), but if his expecations were 600k and they were smashed as he said i guess he was talking about the software sales.

CowGirl said:
360 owners seem to be buying less software than they used to.

That is a misconception.. they are buying a ton of hardware.. just look at NG2... its the month of june and those numbers are very solid... much higher then i expected and alot of other people


laserbeam said:
GTA4 totally vanishing basically shows that The Hardcore arent the people who made the franchise successful. Bet Rockstar wishes it had a Wii version of GTA4 now

That's what the DS version is for


Go Nintendo

I don't have a GIF for ps3/msg4 though :lol


You know, MGS4 is the first PS3 game I actually purchased and didn't GameFly. Glad I'm part of the mob.

After MGS3's shitty sales, I just wanted to do my part to prevent Kojima from once again declaring that his next game is only going to Europe.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
besada said:
Sony ought to give Kojima 24 hour blowjobs and completely fund whatever the hell he wants to make next.

That's how an exclusive moves a system.
No, Kojima ought to give Sony 24 hour blowjobs! I mean, MGS4 would only be that awesome on the PS3!
Excellent PS3 Month, as expected.

Good NG2 sales too.

GTA4 totally vanishing basically shows that The Hardcore arent the people who made the franchise successful. Bet Rockstar wishes it had a Wii version of GTA4 now

MS missed a golden price drop opportunity with GTA 4.


What's interesting to me on that chart that hasn't been mentioned is the Wii version of Lego Indiana Jones outsold all the other versions. Believe that's the first time that's happened for a 3rd party game.
omg rite said:
I do hope people listen to what I just quoted here a bit more.

PS3 had a very nice jump thanks to MGS4, but PS3 fans really shouldn't act cocky or get their hopes up. If you don't think there will be at least a couple months this year where 360 outsells PS3 again, you're going to be disappointed.

Meh, so some months the PS3 will only outsell the 360 in 2 territories instead of all 3.


MGS4 selling about in line (adding the hardware bundles estimate to the charts) with the previous two entries in the series.

Which is actually a great performance after the PS3 underperformed so much so far. Good job.


godhandiscen said:
Halo 3 did. The 360 posted over 500k the month it was released.

I thought he meant it would push 500k by itself. So 500k over the regular monthly sales it had been getting. So the PS3 would have sold like 750k or something.

May have read it wrong though.


Wow, I totally underestimated the MGS4 bounce that Sony would get. I thought they'd sell a little less than 300K units.

The Wii and DS: amazing. the DS especially. wow. almost 800K after all these years.

The 360 continues to sell sluggishly. I don't think that'll change anytime soon with the 60 GB 350 dollar model.


I laugh mightily at those who claimed that Meal Gear was niche. I laugh even harder at those who said that if GTA4 (a multi-platform title) couldn't move systems then MGS4(an exclusive) couldn't.


MirageDwarf said:
If Sony is smart, they should start production of backward compatible 80GB again and sell bundles with all first party games.

Well that is the other thing the MGS4 bundles are being discontinued and the 40gbs are being cleared. The BC PS3 are on there way out from here


Dont forget the MGS PS3 also shipped with Dual Shock 3 as well. Im sure many people were waiting for that. I was, but found a new 60GB in feb that I couldn't pass up.


Amir0x said:
well sarcasm aside, it will be at the bottom again in the coming months without some other huge exclusive. i do not see on the horizon another MGS4. I hope LittleBigPlanet punches me in the face and sells 15,000,000 consoles though. Because it is goddamn rad.

I wonder now if Kojima thinks highly of the US again. He seemed a little disappointed with MGS3 USA sales before :D

PS3 has been trending upward, though. MS already blew their chance of taking a commanding lead over the PS3 in the USA, and now Sony has stepped up to the plate. PS3 has been neck and neck with the 360 this year and will continue to accelerate. PS3 just offers better value for the money, period. MS is trying to stretch things out too far, and now 360 sales are starting to stagnate. The same thing happened to the PSP, and the system hasn't truly recovered. Now, X360 still has a decent hardcore base looking at software sales, but the 360 does not have the 'mojo' to hit a more casual audience.


Weaker than expected Wii hardware and I don't think its supply constrained. Supply > demand is what it looks like in many locations.

GH DS did gangbusters. Someone's getting a huge bonus considering Activision originally did not even consider it for the platform.

Top 10 looks like a Media Create thread.

Good showing for MGS4/PS3

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Halo 3? If I remember correctly the 360 sold about 120k more during that launch.

Aug/2007 277,000
Sep/2007 528,000

May/2007 209,000
June/2007 405,000
Oh wow... 360 is just... PS3 is... wow.

Will the PS3 only have a one month temporary boost?

Will the 360 continue to flounder?

Will third parties start grabbing their Wiis?

Tune in next month.

Same NPD time. Same GAF channel.

Linkzg said:
I wonder if MGS4 will last like it didn't in Japan. Will be interesting to watch in the coming weeks.

Every huge game like this has a big first month but the real test is to see if it has legs and can last. MGS4 in Japan did decent. It lasted 4 weeks in the top 10 which is just as good as Hot Shots Golf who shared the same amount of time.

I'd like to see if people keep going back to MGS4 after a few months or if the game blew it's load on launch.


thefro said:
What's interesting to me on that chart that hasn't been mentioned is the Wii version of Lego Indiana Jones outsold all the other versions. Believe that's the first time that's happened for a 3rd party game.

Its been mentioned, but most people are ignoring it because it works to defeat the idea that no third party games sell
LCfiner said:
Wow, I totally underestimated the MGS4 bounce that Sony would get. I thought they'd sell a little less than 300K units.

The Wii and DS: amazing. the DS especially. wow. almost 800K after all these years.

The 360 continues to sell sluggishly. I don't think that'll change anytime soon with the 60 GB 350 dollar model.

Actually you should see a major shift in hardware in july.. this new price drop is causing a buzz.. expect to see a spike next month of about 500k range.. the price drop took forever BUT MS will see alot of benefits from it.. it was long over due


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
gregor7777 said:
Oh lord, just like FFXIII right?
Naw, I'm pretty damn sure FFXIII won't have the same amount of amazing sound quality as MGS4.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Mama Robotnik said:
You're gonna hate me for this - None of those clips are from "Cause and Effect" (though they look like it). They're actually from Generations, and the DS9 episode "The Jem'Hedar".

I'm such a nerd for knowing that was the Odyssey. :lol

I'm really shocked at the DS numbers and Guitar Hero DS.


karasu said:
I laugh mightily at those who claimed that Meal Gear was niche. I laugh even harder at those who said that if GTA4 (a multi-platform title) couldn't move systems then MGS4(an exclusive) couldn't.

It definitely moves systems, but what kind of legs will it have?


Konami managed to hold Sony up.... it's Sony's job to use it and maintain this position.

Too bad they only have 1 system seller left this year.
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