WrassleGaf would get alot more shit being in OT imo. You would get alot more smart asses and "IT'S FAKE YALL IT'S FAKE FAKE FAKE YALL".
This is probably one of the few threads that still survive in the struggle streets of OT community. It doesn't need to be in OT.
Soo.... is Seth allowed to curb stomp black wrestlers? It's been used a lot in hate crimes.
"WRESTLINGS NOT FAKKKKE"WrassleGaf would get alot more shit being in OT imo. You would get alot more smart asses and "IT'S FAKE YALL IT'S FAKE FAKE FAKE YALL".
This is probably one of the few threads that still survive in the struggle streets of OT community. It doesn't need to be in OT.
Soo.... is Seth allowed to curb stomp black wrestlers? It's been used a lot in hate crimes.
I'm gonna shoot here for a second, why is Comic Book-gaf allowed to be in the Off Topic section when it's a monthly thread just like this one? Who's benefiting? HMMM?????
Speaking of, I can't believe friend Chamber is supporting a curb stomper. I bet even honorary #TeamLightskin member Strobogo frowns on that shit.
It's the Wild West here, friend. Omerta is our law.
Soo.... is Seth allowed to curb stomp black wrestlers? It's been used a lot in hate crimes.
as a real fan i subscribe this opinion.
Reigns is the next Goldberg: gonna bring ratings, money, merch sales, PPV buys... everything.
Soo.... is Seth allowed to curb stomp black wrestlers? It's been used a lot in hate crimes.
It's the Wild West here, friend. Omerta is our law.
July OT is ready. Should I wait until Monday Night Bean Breath is done before posting?
Friend Heel, would you say you disagree with curb stomping?
You watching raw on the west coast?
How hard would it have been to drive from Stamford to Hartford?Seriously, doing the pre and post game shows from the studios is the worst thing to come from the cost-cutting measures caused by the colossal failure that is the Network.
Strongly, TheWesker. I'm all about keeping sports entertainment both fun and playful.
Can we get some nikki bella screen grabs and gifs.
She was looking thiiiiickkkkk. I loved it.
I read in an issue of WWE Magazine that Seth Rollins uses the curb stomp because he wants to "take it back". I'm not sure what that means.
The Wyatt's.
Oh shit, bean breath is back.
I got my trail mix and a Fresca, I'm ready to be entertained and dazzled by bean breath.
sucks for AJ that she has to deal with fans chanting Punks name every time she shows up.
I hope he never ever comes back
Seth Rollins isn't white tho
I'm fucking dying here.Well look at this artistic mothertrucker.
I read in an issue of WWE Magazine that Seth Rollins uses the curb stomp because he wants to "take it back". I'm not sure what that means.
Thanks guys but all this praise isn't necessary, a simple "THIS IS AWESOME" post will suffice.
Mornin' all. How was the Monday Night Supershow?
I'm going to PM Stro, to PM a mod.
I'm gonna shoot here for a second, why is Comic Book-gaf allowed to be in the Off Topic section when it's a monthly thread just like this one? Who's benefiting? HMMM?????
Jake hit em with the Zubaz
JAke with FallingEdge when he has too many cheat days
Thanks for the tip, toolbox.Some things for this thread:
It's so weird that people keep saying Roman Reigns is only getting pushed because he has muscles when he's the shortest member of Shield and I'm pretty sure has less mass than Dean. It's funny how no one mentions that his push might be related to his great look, his physical charisma, and his overness in every demographic from little boy to old lady. Must be because he's muscly. Couldn't be anything else.
How many people in this thread understand that WWE isn't tailored to what they specifically want, but is a PG fake fighting family show that tries to appeal to the broadest amount of demographics as possible? If there is something on the show that you don't like or think is stupid, it wasn't meant for you.
It's really easy to not watch Raw. Super easy. It is easier to purposely not watch Raw than to purposely watch Raw. You just don't watch the channel while it is on. If you think it sucks and hate watching it, you can watch something else. You can watch wrestling from just about anywhere on the planet whenever you want. You can watch something that isn't wrestling from 8-11PM on Monday nights. You can play a video game. You can read a comic. You can read a real book. You can go on a jog. You can go ride your bike. You can go lift weights. You can do anything you want to do from 8-11PM on Mondays. You don't have to watch Raw. You don't even have to keep up with Raw. It's really easy.
Basically what I'm saying is this thread needs to stop being full of such whiny cunts who don't understand that Raw isn't made just for the sake of having great matches with guys you specifically like and that if it doesn't appeal to you, you aren't the demographic and you don't have to watch.
When does Mark Henry get Kane's infinite, we got nobody else, pushes?
The "children's television" program in question advertised alcoholic beverages on their own show.
But Jericho is going to do the job when it's all over. Same reason the gimmick posters excused The Rock burying guys on the mic. At least, this is the logic I've seen used when the topic comes up.