"The powa of Tozawa" I like it.
Neville can actually take on Titus, I think.
Trying to get me to watch again?Maybe after Ellsworth wins the womens title, Titus can win the cruiserweight title
It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits, oorah oorah oorah
I think he's been fine in this role, serving as a mouthpiece for guys like Crews and Tozawa. The crowd is into it, so you can't say it's not workingI don't know about Titus' gimmick involving him having a mic yall.
I know he's suppose to an obnoxious Lavar Ball-type, but maaaaan. I can't not think about his crazy promo about Darren Young.
King Neville on the otherhand, has gotten so good on mic.
I think he's been fine in this role, serving as a mouthpiece for guys like Crews and Tozawa. The crowd is into it, so you can't say it's not working
Weird...are they actually making the main event segment who attacked Enzo and Cass?
Weird...are they actually making the main event segment who attacked Enzo and Cass?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!Oh my god cass being revealed as enzos attacker is main eventing
This isn't even starting at the top of the hour, this is strange
If Enzo and Cass are main eventing then I can only imagine the amount of carnage that is going to be inflicted on Enzo
i expect reigns is about to win... and stroman runs in to beat down reigns