June Wrasslin' |OT| Break Out Naan And Do The Needful, It's Time For MaharaJEEEEEZUSS

Look at this fool.
Cute doggo. Heres mine minutes before he took the sleeping bump.

Dogs are literally -- literally -- better than cats.

Take that, OwensIsNow!

So dogs ares better than cats because they are so stupid that they fall down when asleep or they let humans put stupid shit in their head when sleeping? q:

all animals are great, except human animals, they suck


You are wrong a lot, but this is the most wrong you have been in a long while.

I'm rarely wrong. Unlike you. You're like the Man God of WrassleGAF. Now scram.

So dogs ares better than cats because they are so stupid that they fall down when asleep or they let humans put stupid shit in their head when sleeping?

No one put the raccoon on his head. That's why it's amazing.


So not worth it
Cats are actually alright. They just don't have souls like dogs do.

Nobody has a soul Zach, that is just some shit people made up a few thousands years ago because brains are hard to understand. Sjees, educate yourself man.
Cornette's selling autographed copies of the restraining order Russo took out against him. JimCornette.com, half the proceeds go to WHAS Crusade for Children (benefits numerous kid's charities in Indiana and Kentucky)


Here's the thing: people can not like cats. A lot of cats are sassy little bastards. And that's part of their charm. I get it. They're fun in their own way. Like a bunch of little Data Wests running around. That's fine. But some people are probably like, "nah, not for me. That cat should treat me with a bit more respect. I'm a decent person here."

Dogs, on the other hand, no one should dislike. Like, unless you were attacked by a wild dog when you were a stupid, weak baby. Otherwise, if you don't like dogs, you're probably a serial killer or recently banned NeoGAF poster.

That's all.
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