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June Wrasslin |OT| MADNESS

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Mr. Sam


The Rock said:
RIP Randy "Macho Man" Savage - you were one of my childhood inspirations and heros. Strength, love and prayers to the Savage/Poffo family. Today Team Bring It will celebrate a life - we will kick ass and chase greatness #OOHHYEEEAAAHHH style!
Kevin Nash said:
I lost a close friend today. If anybody in heaven is wondering who the cat in the ugly cowboy hat is it's Randy. Love you Bro. Never another
Bret Hart said:
I have no words to say. This one hits me hard. We lost one of the best.
[QUOTE="Black Machismo" Jay Lethal]You inspired me more than this world will ever know. Enjoy.

You were a tower of power that was too sweet to be sour,
You were funky like a monkey every minute of every hour.
For you, space was the place and time distortion had to be,
And your fans here on earth wanted the madness for eternity.
You met every challenge with fists clinched and face to face,
You even fought and defeats dragons and snakes.
Flying off the ropes with an elbow drop,
There was no way you could ever be stopped.
Identifiable by your voice alone,
Even being Dubbed the macho king while you sat on your throne.
We hung on your words with interviews memorable and classic,
And we knew it was serious when you took off your glasses.
I promise not to lose you in the sands of time,
For you will always be that all time hero of mine.[/QUOTE]
CM Punk said:

On RAW, the biggest change is likely that John Cena recaptured the WWE title from The Miz at Extreme Rules. Well, no, actually - the biggest change is probably R-Truth; having gone from dancing fool to setting little Jimmies free with the truth. Although the ever-reliable WrestleZone claimed that CM Punk was lined up to be Cena's next feud, Truth seems first in line to ensure that 'The Champ' gets got. Why, the feud's even 1-0 in Truth's favour right now.

As for CM Punk, everything seems kind of uncertain. Is he staying, is he going? Is he winning, is he losing? Punk began the month getting RKO'd until he couldn't stand up - literally. After learning of the Macho Man's death, he sported some Macho Punk attire in tribute in a tag match with R-Truth against John Cena and Rey Mysterio. Special referee Bret Hart apparently took offense to the attire and put Punk in the sharpshooter until Rey Mysterio leg dropped the back of his head. That's right - Raw ended with the babyfaces celebrating over the motionless body of a guy wearing Macho Man attire. Still, at least Punk got revenge over Mysterio the next week in the form of a televised win.

Kharma started the month smashing implants, nearly ended it in a ball crying, but pulled it back in time to turn face and promise to return in a year to beat up The Heat Killers Bellas. You know, after she's done giving birth and all that.

Elsewhere, Alex Riley is surprisingly over after turning face and attacking The Miz two weeks in a row. He even has some neat theme music.

Oh, and Evan Bourne is having something of a feud with Jack Swagger. That could turn out nicely.

Also, Alberto Del Rio ran over The Big Show's leg at, like, three miles an hour. "SHOWWWW!"

On SmackDown, the month started with Christian winning the world title in tribute to Edge's retirement. All was well with the world and I could sleep at night. As a matter of fact-- RKO!! What was that? Oh, it was a surprise RKO. Randy Orton is world champion now, huh? Great. Well, Christian just might turn heel, who knows?

Meanwhile, Sin Cara's been impressing everyone by botching the ending of a match against Chavo Guerrero live on pay-per-view. But, good news for him, the WWE's bringing in old lucha buddy Averno to make him look good. And teach him the WWE style, presumably.

Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes are embarking on what could be a promising feud. Now be quiet and BAG YOURSELVES.

On Impact Wrestling - formerly known as TNA iMPACT! or something - well, I'm not entirely sure what's been going on. They have a new mantra over there, Wrestling Matters, and they consider it of such importance that they discuss it for two hours every week between swerves.


this is the louis theroux documentary they were talking about on LAW this week on review a wai -

part 1, at nitro -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irV7JoPrZ7M
part 2, indie promotion - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_UNHYnj9QM&feature=related
part 3, trying out at the wcw powerplant - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fjXNuw8NlI&NR=1 .............. <<<< funniest part, just watch this if youre short on time
part 4, ending - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjiTc1-uYjo&feature=related

back story- louis theroux has a show on bbc that does documentaries on different subcultures. he did some on hiphop, lasvegas gambling scene, nazis etc. this is the one he did about wrestling around early 1999. has some funny awkward segments with roddy piper, goldberg, raven etc when he went behind the scene at nitro. pretty funny to see an outsider prospective at the wcw circus around that time


I'm hoping that even with their weird television deal that ROH can take over TNA as a legit #2. TNA doesn't deserve to be #2 as long as Russo is there. Geez, does that guy suck.


Thread title should have been an homage to Kharma <3 lol


Netflix has the movie The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment on Instant Streaming today. It's a collection of his matches and feuds and stuff like that.
DMeisterJ said:
Netflix has the movie The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment on Instant Streaming today. It's a collection of his matches and feuds and stuff like that.

I'm watching this right now and during the Rock winning the IC title for the first time, someone has a sign right behind Jr/Vince/King that says "Owen Hart is the Queen of Farts!". Best part of the show so far.
I need to get the Macho Man DVDs on Amazon. Been meaning to for a while now.

Impact and SD spoilers look meh.

Rewatched Glory By Honor V - Night 2 last night. Still my favorite wrestling event of all time. So good.


Addtional Smackdown taping spoiler details from the accursed Wrestlezone:

The crowd was really hot for the WHC title match. And contrary to a lot of speculation, the crowd popped HUGE when Christian hit Orton with the belt after the match. Christian left the building holding the WHC belt over his head, smiling and the crowd was chanting "Christian, Christian". I really didn't see it as a heel turn, but I'm sure if Vince doesn't like what he heard he'll have it changed. It'll be interesting to see if they try to change the crowd reactions to what Christian did in the main event.
If they leave the crowd reactions unedited and just run with it I like the direction this could be heading in.


My hopes for June and right through the summer ..

- Daniel Bryan / Cody Rhodes feud on Smackdown yields quality PPV level matches
- Riley does something more than beat up Miz. Give the man a mic.
- CM Punk continues his winning streak right into a championship match with Cena
- Sin Cara stops botching
- Christians wins back the title from Orton and holds in for more than 6 months
- Jinder Mahal establishes himself as the Indian Del Rio
- Zack Ryder comes to RAW or Smackdown as THE Internet Champion


As always, nice job with the OP.

Anyway, I'm enjoying both brands right now and I hope they keep developing those midcard feuds, instead of fucking it up like they usually do.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Excellent OP.

Man, this time last month I never would have guessed that the most exciting thing going on on Raw would be Alex Riley's face push.
Another month of Super Cena!

UberTag said:
Addtional Smackdown taping spoiler details from the accursed Wrestlezone:

If they leave the crowd reactions unedited and just run with it I like the direction this could be heading in.
Actually, this would be a better idea.
Cena used to hit people with cheap shots, and still consider himself a face. Also, there aren't many faces in Smackdown, so it would be weird to have another one become heel. I know I wanted Christian to become a heel, but I wouldn't mind if he stayed face.
Smackdown edits are
so obvious when they are done, but for the sake of that recording, I sure hope that they leave it in tact.

In retrospect, the crowd has always been behind Christian, so a "heel turn" may be me just wanting to see something more from Christian's character. I knew that this feud had something else to it, and I wouldn't mind seeing more Orton vs. Christian action if it means great matches like the ones that they have already put on.

I also would have never guessed that Alex Riley would be such a well received face. I re-watched his segment on RAW; the crowd was ecstatic. If he keeps beating Miz up like he has, I feel he'll eventually lose at the match that they will eventually have in Capitol Punishment.


I was musing to myself last night that if they roll with the following angles for Capitol Punishment it could wind up as the best PPV on paper so far this year:

Cena vs. R-Truth {WWE Championship}
Orton vs. Christian {World Heavyweight Championship}
Sin Cara vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes {Triple Threat}
(they could choose to leave Sin Cara off the card for fear of botches)
(they could also choose to add Ted DiBiase but shouldn't for fear of suckiness)
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler {US Championship}
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Wade Barrett {Intercontinental Championship}
(this needs some kind of gimmick to be interesting)
Alex Riley vs. The Miz
An Alberto Del Rio promo where Big Show rampages against him & Ricardo Rodriguez; cue the Brodus Clay save
Some squash match featuring Jinder Mahal & The Great Khali
Some bathroom break match featuring the Bellas
Lunchbox said:
this is the louis theroux documentary they were talking about on LAW this week on review a wai -

part 1, at nitro -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irV7JoPrZ7M
part 2, indie promotion - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_UNHYnj9QM&feature=related
part 3, trying out at the wcw powerplant - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fjXNuw8NlI&NR=1 .............. <<<< funniest part, just watch this if youre short on time
part 4, ending - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjiTc1-uYjo&feature=related

back story- louis theroux has a show on bbc that does documentaries on different subcultures. he did some on hiphop, lasvegas gambling scene, nazis etc. this is the one he did about wrestling around early 1999. has some funny awkward segments with roddy piper, goldberg, raven etc when he went behind the scene at nitro. pretty funny to see an outsider prospective at the wcw circus around that time

WAIT. Louie did a wrestling episode of Weird Weekends? Everyone should watch this.


NihonTiger90 said:
WAIT. Louie did a wrestling episode of Weird Weekends? Everyone should watch this.
Macho Man totally no sells Louis trying to talk to him and pretty much ignores him.
Any Low-Ki fans out there really need to checkout the podcast he did with the former Smackdown writer: Click me!!!!

The most interesting news? He never asked for his release. They simply let him go. *face palm*
Dork Knight said:
Any Low-Ki fans out there really need to checkout the podcast he did with the former Smackdown writer: Click me!!!!

The most interesting news? He never asked for his release. They simply let him go. *face palm*

Didn't he say during that radio interview with MVP promoting the NJPW shows that he did ask for his release?


AnEternalEnigma said:
For all the hesitant people: it looks like she's had work done on her penis clit. It looks normal now.

Yeah, the first thing I checked for was the ManChyna. Glad it's gone. Did she really get surgery for it, or did it go away with after she stopped the steroids?
DMeisterJ said:
Yeah, the first thing I checked for was the ManChyna. Glad it's gone. Did she really get surgery for it, or did it go away with after she stopped the steroids?

I would guess surgery. Stuff like that doesn't just go away.


DMeisterJ said:
Yeah, the first thing I checked for was the ManChyna. Glad it's gone. Did she really get surgery for it, or did it go away with after she stopped the steroids?


Only one way to find out...
Lost Fragment said:
Smackdown Summary pic
Smackdown has been victim of that kind of formulaic intro for years now, it was especially bad back in 2006.
Many episodes seemed to involve a brief scuffle between Lashley, Booker, Batista and Finley which led to Teddy Long's standard speech.

Teddy Long: "It seems to me playa that tonight we are going to have a tag team match! it's going to be Booker T and Finley versus Bobby Lashley and............*holy crap the suspense!*........... BATISTA!"
*Heels look shocked, fans go nuts for some reason*
Michael Cole: OH MY!
and since we are in 2006 we would also get an obligatory Vito wearing a dress match and hilarious JBL commentary.

Simply put Teddy Long makes even the stalest Cena look fresh.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Just caught this on /wooo/.

Kaval says he never asked for his release:

Comment >I was told "We can see your frustration...And we don't believe that you're going to be anywhere near where you want to be for a long time so we think its best that you move on."

90 minute interview with Dave Lagana
It's not on his site yet but the RSS feed has it.

He said he was fine with the locker room and agents.
Johnny Ace (who Low-Ki seems to like) warned him about "them not having anything for me"
>"Whoever was in charge, which is very easy to determine, did not want me to succeed."

Part 1 and 2 of the interview:


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Dork Knight said:
Look up a few posts and I actually posted the podcast where he said this.
Fuuuuuuu. I ctrl+f'ed for Kaval and got nothing so that's why I posted it. Should've searched Low Ki as well.
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