Jungle Book was the last animated film Walt personally worked on before he died (and it came out after his death) so it looks like they're going all out for this Platinum!
The all-new bonus features include a new member of The Jungle Book family, the long lost character created for the original film and discovered for the first time - Rocky, a near-sighted and short tempered, but hilarious rhinoceros.
The Bare Necessities: The Making of The Jungle Book featurette takes a look at Walt Disneys contributions to his animated swan song and also examines how director Woolie Reitherman filled the legends shoes when putting the final touches on the production. Disneys Kipling examines Walts interpretation of the Rudyard Kiplings Mowgli Stories, and a film commentary from original animators Frank Thomas, Ollie Johnston and director Woolie Reitherman is presented alongside commentary from current top animated filmmakers including Brad Bird (The Incredibles), Glen Keane (Disneys The Little Mermaid), and Andreas Deja (Disneys Beauty and The Beast, and The Lion King).
Jungle Book was the last animated film Walt personally worked on before he died (and it came out after his death) so it looks like they're going all out for this Platinum!