Jussie Smollet’s conviction overturned by Illinois supreme court


aka IMurRIVAL69

In it's ruling the Illinois Supreme Court said, "Today we resolve a question about the State's responsibility to honor the agreements it makes with defendants." In its decision the court said, simply, "the State is bound by the agreement."

Jussie attorney, Nenye Uche tells TMZ, "This was not a prosecution based on facts, rather it was a vindictive persecution and such a proceeding has no place in our criminal justice system. Ultimately, we are pleased that the rule of the law was the big winner today."

It's worth noting the Supreme Court did not weigh in on the merits of the actual case against Jussie ... and, instead, only focused on the deal prosecutors struck with him.

This case goes all the way back to January 2019, when Jussie initially claimed he's been the victim of a hate crime -- 2 men shouted "This is MAGA country" and "Aren't you that fa***t n***a from 'Empire'" ... as they put a rope around his neck and threw a liquid on him, which he believed to be bleach.

Those 2 men turned out to be brothers, Abimbola and Ola Osundairo, who were friends with Jussie. They told police Jussie had paid them to stage the whole attack.

The reversal of Jussie's conviction is reminiscent of Bill Cosby's case. Remember, he was actually doing time in prison when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed his conviction, citing a deal prosecutors had struck to not prosecute him in exchange for him sitting for a deposition in Andrea Constand case.

All in all, Juicy only 6 days of his 150 day sentence. Pretty ridiculous.


Dumbass mother fuckers. His sentence was already too fucking short. Wish we could just kick Illinois out of the union st this point.




I can't wait to get to the "protected" status where I'm in the other tier of justice. I heard their get out of jail cards cost thousands instead of millions.
man what a pathetic joke. The reasoning makes sense: state prosecutor can’t make a deal not to prosecute, then later on decide to prosecute anyway. The ridiculous part is why Kim Foxx decided to make that deal in the first place

Kim Foxx is a stain on my state’s reputation… among lots of other stains lol

Yup, just like Cosby we know that he did it and those stains will stick with them forever. However, you really cannot have prosecutors making deals like this and then turning around and prosecuting anyway.

In both cases, it's wild that it even got this far and that either spent any time in prison in the first place. All those resources and taxpayer dollars being wasted and nobody thought to say, "wait, didn't you already promise not to prosecute?"


Gold Member
Yup, just like Cosby we know that he did it and those stains will stick with them forever. However, you really cannot have prosecutors making deals like this and then turning around and prosecuting anyway.

In both cases, it's wild that it even got this far and that either spent any time in prison in the first place. All those resources and taxpayer dollars being wasted and nobody thought to say, "wait, didn't you already promise not to prosecute?"
This is what you get with unqualified prosecutors being pushed into position by political interests/money.


Perpetually Offended
This wasn't about the case or anything about evidence or testimony...

It was SPECIFICALLY about the deal reneging ... That's it!

Please stop with the dumbass Soros and MAGA shit!


The promise to not prosecute should have never happened in the first place what did they even get from him for that?

This is the 2-tier justice system, one good thing from this is at least we can pretty much put to bed this nonsense about the justice system being preferential to certain races if anything they've overcorrected.


Just so everyone is on the same page with Cosby here's the gist of what happened.(You know the "deal") The original prosecutor figured he had no shot at a conviction in a criminal court because of so little evidence and Cosby would have good legal representation which would advise him of his 5th amendment rights and tell him to shut the hell up.(Never talk to the cops, there's a video on that.) Given that, the prosecutor figured the only legal recourse for the victim(Cosntand) was a civil trial. So that still has a problem, Cosby could still use his 5th amendment rights to avoid testifying and it couldn't be used in court with a possible criminal case hanging over his head.(Which would still make winning a case difficult.)

So the prosecutor decided to help the victim out by simply agreeing that criminal prosecution was off the table. With that done 5th amendment protections went poof. (Both the prosecutor and defense thought this was off the table.) So this put Cosby with a decision. He could either continue to refuse to testify and his refusal would be used against him in a civil trial or he could testify in deposition and hope the plantiff's attorney wouldn't twist his words to make him look guilty. For those that haven't seen the deposition he basically admittedly to giving her a benadryl for I believe a cold and then felt her up with his hand and stopping when she told him to stop. (Yeah I've heard people claim he admitted to raping her which is not true but a good attorney can plant that seed just as well as a jealous spouse can twist their partner's words.)

What happened next is a later prosecutor decided that that "agreement" was off the table and now he could use the deposition since he could twist Cosby's words to try and get a conviction. (A conviction he would have had no prayer without it.) He did and later on the supreme court of Pennsylvania pretty much said no way to that trick to get around the 5th amendment. Just to be clear why you want the courts to slap down this down really, really, really hard I thought it was pretty basic. The prosecutor has huge resources behind them but we have basic rights to prevent this sort of abuse. Simply put if prosecutors can use this tactic to get someone like Cosby who has the ability to hire the best possible legal defense do you honestly think they wouldn't use it against regular people who don't? (Or as I put it no, the founding father's weren't "winking" when they wrote the bill of rights, they really meant it. It's not suppose to be a game of Calvinball that you try to get around even basic protections. Everybody should get their f'n rights, period.)


Gold Member
This wasn't about the case or anything about evidence or testimony...

It was SPECIFICALLY about the deal reneging ... That's it!

Please stop with the dumbass Soros and MAGA shit!
He will forever be tied to MAGA in which people will crack jokes about it, because he committed a hoax with it.

That's all anyone did in the thread. Was crack jokes.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Seems like grounds for a serious lawsuit unfortunately.

Still fucked a far more lucrative career tho.
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