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Just had my first Steel Battallion online battle.


It was a frigging blast. We played a free battle with 5 other players. The lag was minimal. Some guy traded me a bunch of high-end mechs, and it rocked. Being a small community, the people online were really helpful and it rocked.

People played and fought clean. I realy liked how people were totally playing in-character and didnt interrupt duel. I choosed a crappy mech, and it was hilarious how i was underpowered. I managed to kill one or two mechs tho ;)

The game is everything i wanted it to be.


Tag of Excellence
That gives me good news, I still haven't picked up the online component due to the highly vocal complaints I've heard on it.


I was talking with the guys online about it, and they were "yeah theres some cheating problems with the campaign mode but other than that, its ok"


If you're ok with 3vs3 lag usually wasn't that bad, and the campaign economy is broken due to duplicating money and optional parts AFAIK. Still I had alot fun with the game, although I haven't played it for weeks.

YellowJackets are awesome. Get one asap they are inexpensive to use and in the hands of a talented pilot can take out just about anything except the best 3rd gens.
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