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Just watched The Cube..

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The Cube was on Showcase tonight, and I just finished watching it...

someone wanna explain it to me? I mean.. they just went in a fucking circle and then the retard dude left into a white light.. wtf?


Junior Member
Excellent movie. I don't remember it enough to explain it though. There's a crapload of meaning to it.


It pissed me off they never tell you what the fuck the cube is...they just talk about how it's purpose was lost as people continued to help make it without questioning what it was exactly.

On a related topic, is cube 2 worth watching? i was gonna rent it the other day but got City of God instead (great movie btw).
Cube was low budget filmmaking genius. Single set movie with characters who each turn out to be differn't than they first appear. Shot and executed amazingly well considering the budget.

Cube 2 took the great idea that was Cube and completely destroyed it. It is just a pretentious mess of half baked existential ideas with no satisfying character development.

I'd love to see Vincent's follow up to Cube called Cypher. The trailer looked excellent though the movie has yet to see a theatrical release in North America. I believe Miramax has the rights and just hasn't show the film yet. I think the DVD is out in the rest of the world.


Yeah i've seen the cypher dvd around (I work in a video store) , it came out at about the same time as cube 2.


well not really...yet
oh I have cypher on dvd but never watched it. Should get around to it eventually I suppose


If you liked Cube check out "Nothing" by the same director:

It's about two losers who "wish" the world away and find themselves with the power to wish anything the want out of existance.

Looks like the comparisons to Outer Limits and Twilight Zone weren't unwarranted.
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