Time to commit some crimes, giggity
You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride. Also, getting your car out of impound is a pain and expensive. It would be nice to be able to bill the city for damage done to your car during their illegal search and seizure, but they apparently have that angle covered.Can't you deny the search if they don't have a warrant?
Worked for Jay Z in 99 Problem.Good luck with that.
I wonder if I can choose my officer. I'd like my strip search to resemble a C-IN2 ad.Time to commit some crimes, giggity
:lol Weren't you the same dude who thought the Philippines were part of the US?
...and THIS would be a perfectly good use for the body scanners. Take them out of the airport and put them in the police stations.
sorry, this is actually a very good idea
a lot of people need to be strip searched because of the danger they can pose to police staff, and more likely, to themselves
the amount of fuckers who try and hang themselves or slit their wrists with shit they took into jail is absurd
if you dont want to be the cop who had a prisoner in their care die in a cell you bet your ass you want to be strip searching
shit we heard stories from cops a while back, and some of that shit would blow your mind. a priest arrested for petty theft tried to hang himself with the elastic in his trousers, and nearly succeeded. just because of the shame he felt in being arrested
theres just no way you can avoid 100% of the risk unless you just search everyone
and i mean the only way to avoid abuses of power in this case is to strip search everyone when coming into prison, because then youre not singling people out based on how they look etc
there are also really strict procedures police have to follow, like same sex searches, only one half of the body at a time, etc
its literally totally fine and practical imo
Ludicrously terrible ruling...this will see so much abuse if it gets through. I guess it also gives a perfect additional way to separate protesters.
Tazers and strip searches----bad progression.
A friend of mine that had a DUI had to strip completely nude.
Have I missed the 'well then don't got arrested' defense force?
This Is Obamaville®
Man, Bush's appointees are terrible.
This Is Obamaville®
There's no room for reasonable interpretations on the internet. People come here to get all fired up about social injustice, and you are being a total buzz kill. The internet works best when you just rabble rabble along with everyone else.sorry, this is actually a very good idea
a lot of people need to be strip searched because of the danger they can pose to police staff, and more likely, to themselves
the amount of fuckers who try and hang themselves or slit their wrists with shit they took into jail is absurd
if you dont want to be the cop who had a prisoner in their care die in a cell you bet your ass you want to be strip searching
shit we heard stories from cops a while back, and some of that shit would blow your mind. a priest arrested for petty theft tried to hang himself with the elastic in his trousers, and nearly succeeded. just because of the shame he felt in being arrested
theres just no way you can avoid 100% of the risk unless you just search everyone
and i mean the only way to avoid abuses of power in this case is to strip search everyone when coming into prison, because then youre not singling people out based on how they look etc
there are also really strict procedures police have to follow, like same sex searches, only one half of the body at a time, etc
its literally totally fine and practical imo
Searching is one thing, for a proper offense, but strip searching? Now if you piss off a cop, they have just cause to get you nekkid for anything you do that's illegal. This shit is fucked up. Who the fuck thought this was right?
"Hey you, you were jay-walking, weren't you?"
"Yeah, so what? Who cares?"
"Get naked."
you can always elect legislators to pass a law restricting strip searches by police.
Just another reason why to avoid cops at all cops unless you personally know the officer or you can help catch a child molester.
Can't think of a single group of people even gang members/kkk members/Westboro Church psychos I'd rather avoid more than police.
sorry, this is actually a very good idea
a lot of people need to be strip searched because of the danger they can pose to police staff, and more likely, to themselves
the amount of fuckers who try and hang themselves or slit their wrists with shit they took into jail is absurd
You know that this only applies to people who are actually arrested, right?
Allowing strip searches should not be the default, it should be the other way around.
Blame the supreme court.
If the Supreme Court disallows it, then it isn't permitted anywhere. Isn't democratic action a better solution?
I didn't think the philippines were part of the US but can you blame me for jumping the gun when there are threads like this? Sit back and enjoy every single right you have taken away and treated no better than the terrorists.
If the Supreme Court disallows it, then it isn't permitted anywhere. Isn't democratic action a better solution?
It shouldn't be permitted anywhere.
And just in case you jump ahead to the bashing without even being able to read. Your hatred runs deep it seems.
So with all the power the supreme court has, they have no other option to allow NO strip searches, or allow strip searches for EVERYTHING? There's not possible middle ground?
...and THIS would be a perfectly good use for the body scanners. Take them out of the airport and put them in the police stations.
The Constitution doesn't protect you against embarrassment, sorry. If I am wrong, please quote the relevant passage.
It is a legislative issue, not a Constitutional one. I'm sorry that your hyperactive sense of outrage and lack of understanding of the separation of powers prevents you from comprehending this fact.
Good for em.
If you haven't done (or plan) anything wrong this won't make any difference in your life.
Moar law pleez
sorry, this is actually a very good idea
a lot of people need to be strip searched because of the danger they can pose to police staff, and more likely, to themselves
the amount of fuckers who try and hang themselves or slit their wrists with shit they took into jail is absurd
if you dont want to be the cop who had a prisoner in their care die in a cell you bet your ass you want to be strip searching
shit we heard stories from cops a while back, and some of that shit would blow your mind. a priest arrested for petty theft tried to hang himself with the elastic in his trousers, and nearly succeeded. just because of the shame he felt in being arrested
theres just no way you can avoid 100% of the risk unless you just search everyone
and i mean the only way to avoid abuses of power in this case is to strip search everyone when coming into prison, because then youre not singling people out based on how they look etc
there are also really strict procedures police have to follow, like same sex searches, only one half of the body at a time, etc
its literally totally fine and practical imo
So I guess I don't need to bother wondering what the decision on healtcare will be.
If the Supreme Court disallows it, then it isn't permitted anywhere. Isn't democratic action a better solution?
The Constitution doesn't protect you against embarrassment, sorry. If I am wrong, please quote the relevant passage.
It is a legislative issue, not a Constitutional one. I'm sorry that your hyperactive sense of outrage and lack of understanding of the separation of powers prevents you from comprehending this fact.
America....Jesus Christ. There needs to be a full blown revolt, riots in the streets or something. It's gotten absurd over there now.
Pretty sure it does protect you from unreasonable searches though.
Yes. But saying that strip searching arrestees is never reasonable is a bridge too far. The SC left it open for local governments to limit or ban strip searching as they see fit.
Pretty sure it does protect you from unreasonable searches though.
That's okay, I was expressing my opinion on how it should be rather than how it is. And now everyone else knows your opinion on human rights.
You're not from the country who just chucked someone in jail for being obnoxious on Twitter, are you? 'Cuz that would be ironic.
I'm not talking about never, I'm talking about not always reasonable.