Too bad it was in poor taste and no one gives a crap if you found it amusing or not. A shitty joke is always gonna be a shitty joke.Lighten up, it was just a joke. I found it amusing.
He looks terrible in that picture. What the hell has he been doing?
You all are just jelly because Biebs is awesome and he is nailing Selega G.
Hell no, you guys lost the Olympic hockey and keeping him was part of the deal.
Rape is not funny. Ever.Lighten up, it was just a joke. I found it amusing.
Wow, projection much? I suggested that they should lose their license, and I stand behind that suggestion. If you drive drunk, despite everything out there explaining why that is a horrible thing, you clearly do not deserve the privilege (not right, privilege) of driving. Just because someone is rich or a celebrity doesn't change that.Yes zero tolerance, mandatory sentencing, three strikes, exactly what the world needs more of. Let's put everyone in prison.
Wow, projection much? I suggested that they should lose their license, and I stand behind that suggestion. If you drive drunk, despite everything out there explaining why that is a horrible thing, you clearly do not deserve the privilege (not right, privilege) of driving. Just because someone is rich or a celebrity doesn't change that.
Why would I want to nail that gremlin
Why would I want to nail that gremlin
You replied to me; what you actually were doing was arguing in support of the people in this thread who think he should be in jail and used the previous DUI and your feeling that he wasn't adequately punished for it to support that position. That aside, your thoughts on how to handle any DUI most definitely falls into the zero tolerance, mandatory minimum line of thought. The fact that you think people should face progressively stiffer penalties for misdemeanors based on previous record suggests you are also supportive of three strikes policies.
Wait, he's back together with Selena Gomez?
When he was younger it was the former, now it's the latter.Kid's a mess. I always get a little irked when people say, "People just hate on him because they are jealous of his success and he can get any girl he wants."
No. People hate on him because he seems like a jerk of a human being.
If we were basing this reaction off of an isolated incident, I could see the argument. Dude was busted for DUI and got off with a slap on the wrist; he and everyone else who drives drunk deserves to lose their license and rot.
He had a .01 BAC, unless you want to convict people who have had 1/2 a beer then it's not a DUI.
He caused $20,000 in damages.2 years probation for throwing eggs at someone house? WTF? You guys really do hate Canadians.
He caused $20,000 in damages.
He only got probation because he's a celebrity.
Lol what is this from?If He finally ends in jail, this is the kind of prison he will join.
Lol what is this from?
That's not how humor works. Sorry.Rape is not funny. Ever.
Wolf of Wall Street
Is this a fucking spoiler now? God dammit.
Is this a fucking spoiler now? God dammit.
Bieber was a pure wholesome angel until he went to the US and their culture of violence, drugs, sex, etc. tainted him. That's just reality.