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Katamari Damacy wins "Good Design Award"


works for Gamestop (lol)

In a first for videogame software, Namco's PlayStation 2 action game Katamari Damacy has won a Good Design Award from the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization. Established in 1957 by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the awards have always recognized exceptional design in a wide variety of products (from wristwatches to medical equipment), but Katamari Damacy is the first game to take one home.

The JIDPO's citation recognized the impressive artistry of the game's graphics, combining bright colors with a simple, but coherent aesthetic, as well as the similar style of its gameplay, combining simple controls with enjoyable depth.

Namco received two other Good Design Awards this year. One recognized the Tatakon controller developed for the home version of Taiko no Tatsujin, while the other was given for the TalkingAid IT, a speech synthesis device designed to assist the handicapped.

Also recognized in this year's awards: Sony's EyeToy digital camera peripheral for the PS2, which hit Japan earlier this year, and Logitech's new GT-Force Pro steering wheel controller, developed for Gran Turismo 4.


It's kind of a neat landmark. I know I've written these up for hardware and peripherals before, but never a game.

They give out a shitload of these awards each year, though. I think 1200 or so different products won 'em. Google for the JIDPO website and you can look up a whole database, everything from tote bags to Kazuo Kawasaki sunglasses.

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