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Katamari DOOOOOMED Update


One of our boys went and bought another copy of Katamari Damacy here in the greater San Francisco area. Six or seven behind the counter, he said. DOOOMED, this game is. DOOOMED!



works for Gamestop (lol)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Somebody needs to hit the reset button on the GAF Katamari Damacy Viral Campaign! Cancel the Drillland project for now and return to Damacy.

I got a plan. Somebody tell Namco to release another shipment of Katamari Damacy. But this time pack it with a Tekken 5 demo. Then tell them to cancel Death by Degrees and drop the US msrp of Nightmare of Druaga down to $19.99...that $39.99 price on EBgames might be a deal compared to the Japanese release, but not too many people are going to bite on that in North America.

I'm starting to enjoy my new armchair CEO role. Sitting around talking about what companies should do is fun. :)


If this game doesn't sell well, it's because you assclowns are all too busy sitting on your asses, twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the next MGS/FF/GT/GTA sequel, all while complaining that you have no games to play.

Thanks a lot...



Unconfirmed Member
Our katamaris have been depleted and refreshed three or 4 times now. Each shipment was only three or four copies, but still it keeps moving at an appropriate level for the kind of title it is.

but this is all anecdotal at best

wait for E3!

Jim Bowie

Grizzlyjin said:
Somebody needs to hit the reset button on the GAF Katamari Damacy Viral Campaign! Cancel the Drillland project for now and return to Damacy.

No way, man! I say that we promote both games! Both are deserving games, that need to be out there in the public!

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