Trump IS a bully and he had no repercussions for said @ bullying
Double standards?
Trump IS a bully and he had no repercussions for said @ bullying
That is one awkward interview. Seems like he keeps looking around trying to see if they should continue lolFor the folks at home who don't know who Kathy Griffen is, Here's a little background info.
She should have just waited until today to release that pic
It's not bullying that they spoke out, it's "bullying" that he sent the secret service to harass her over it.
Really that's more terrorism than anything.
Who cares about fodder. They will make up their own crap of they want to.Just more fodder for right wing outlets. Please disappear into the shadows, Kathy.
Is that a real shirt?
Just because they did it to a person you don't like doesn't make it ok. There are lines and she clearly not only crossed it - she stomped on it while she was crossing it.
she shouldn't have apologized
How are they bullying her? All I saw was Trump lying about how the son he doesn't care about was traumatized.
The secret service investigates threats to the president. They paid her a visit. People think that Trump sent them.
This always happens. From Richard Spencer to Milo to Roger Ailes to now. People keep framing this as striking at someone who is simply "not well liked". Here's the thing: This did happen with Obama many times over. People made effegies of him. Burned dolls with his face. Tied nooses around his neck. Compared him to an ape. Photoshopped his face onto Osama's. And on and on. Privately & Publicly. It was nationwide, stoked by the lies of "news outlets" and reality TV billionaires. It was the background noise to Obama's tenure as president and as a black man myself, it was boring from the moment it started because it was a refrain repeated throughout US history in regards to minorities. Many people crossed the line multiple times over and went on to continue their careers. And the thing is, it was all borne out of bigotry, hatred, white supremacy and fiction.
Here though we have a situation in which Trump, his administration, and the GOP have declared war on the American people. They are not just unliked, but active, powerful harmful forces on the national stage. They have made it obvious that their purpose in life is to destroy those who don't meet their standards, not through lampooning gruesome pictures but fatal and cruel policy. They have laughed in the face of science, stomped on civil rights, and smiled right in the faces of American citizens as they decided to sentence many of them to death and financial ruin. This is no longer a similar situation to Obama. Taking Kathy alone: Trump has not only declared her worthlessness as a women just by his very behavior from his jokes about beauty standards to his bragging about sexual assault but has demonstrated it clearly through policy that seeks to strip her of autonomy over her own body. That was the crossed line that matters most in this situation. That is the line that pushed her to fire back. People are free to call it tasteless, sick, warped or violent but in the end it's just a photo in the face of an administration that seeks to make their own tasteless and sick world view publicly known and treat the American people in a warped and violent fashion. Trump OK'd acts like these the moment he decided to use his power for the abuse of the disenfranchised. Even more from the moment he fanned the flames of bigotry and hatred toward "the other" in this country from the start of his campaign. I have ZERO sympathy for Trump in this situation. Or Ivanka, Melania, Jared. Barely even Barron because the Trump family has already shown it's ready to use any scapegoat it can to garner sympathy while they perform despicable thoughtless acts. Kathy does not need to apologize and if she "deserves" to have her reputation and career damaged, then such must first come to the Trump dynasty who kicked off this game and whose influence is much more far reaching and damaging.
That's a pretty dumb image and the difference between those things is fairly obvious in regards to this controversy.
100% true but who is acting like Obama didn't go through shit? He was literally the most 'attacked' President of our time.exactly this. I can't believe people are acting like Obama never dealt with anything like this. He didn't deserve any of the hate he got but he still dealt with it like an adult. Trump and his family have brought all of this upon themselves, but now they are crying like children. They are the most pathetic family in the country, maybe even the whole world.
Is that a real shirt?
This always happens. From Richard Spencer to Milo to Roger Ailes to now. People keep framing this as striking at someone who is simply "not well liked". Here's the thing: This did happen with Obama many times over. People made effegies of him. Burned dolls with his face. Tied nooses around his neck. Compared him to an ape. Photoshopped his face onto Osama's. And on and on. Privately & Publicly. It was nationwide, stoked by the lies of "news outlets" and reality TV billionaires. It was the background noise to Obama's tenure as president and as a black man myself, it was boring from the moment it started because it was a refrain repeated throughout US history in regards to minorities. Many people crossed the line multiple times over and went on to continue their careers. And the thing is, it was all borne out of bigotry, hatred, white supremacy and fiction.
Here though we have a situation in which Trump, his administration, and the GOP have declared war on the American people. They are not just unliked, but active, powerful harmful forces on the national stage. They have made it obvious that their purpose in life is to destroy those who don't meet their standards, not through lampooning gruesome pictures but fatal and cruel policy. They have laughed in the face of science, stomped on civil rights, and smiled right in the faces of American citizens as they decided to sentence many of them to death and financial ruin. This is no longer a similar situation to Obama. Taking Kathy alone: Trump has not only declared her worthlessness as a women just by his very behavior from his jokes about beauty standards to his bragging about sexual assault but has demonstrated it clearly through policy that seeks to strip her of autonomy over her own body. That was the crossed line that matters most in this situation. That is the line that pushed her to fire back. People are free to call it tasteless, sick, warped or violent but in the end it's just a photo in the face of an administration that seeks to make their own tasteless and sick world view publicly known and treat the American people in a warped and violent fashion. Trump OK'd acts like these the moment he decided to use his power for the abuse of the disenfranchised. Even more from the moment he fanned the flames of bigotry and hatred toward "the other" in this country from the start of his campaign. I have ZERO sympathy for Trump in this situation. Or Ivanka, Melania, Jared. Barely even Barron because the Trump family has already shown it's ready to use any scapegoat it can to garner sympathy while they perform despicable thoughtless acts. Kathy does not need to apologize and if she "deserves" to have her reputation and career damaged, then such must first come to the Trump dynasty who kicked off this game and whose influence is much more far reaching and damaging.
Yeah. Municipal Waste is rad. Metal/punk bands have a history of showing presidents dying on their shirts.Is that a real shirt?
That's a pretty dumb image and the difference between those things is fairly obvious in regards to this controversy.
If Ted Nugent had held a severed head of Obama shit would have hit the fan too.
100% true but who is acting like Obama didn't go through shit? He was literally the most 'attacked' President of our time.
What she did was stupid and threatens to bring sympathy to that jackass in the White House. If only for that reason alone, I completely despise her actions.
Trump is a bully - he made that obviously clear many times and people should be upset about it.
However, fighting a bully by doing the same things you dislike about them is not the answer and it just makes you as bad as they are. It makes you a bully.
Take Samantha Bee for example, loved her show - but its turned into a non-stop Trump name calling extravaganza. Name calling is one of the things she disliked about Trumps campaign so why is it ok for her to do it? As the old saying goes "two wrongs don't make a right"
Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," he continued. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch." Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming "freedom!"
So, basically, lay down, shut up, and take it like a nice liberal on their moral high ground. Okay, I'm sure that'll start working for us someday soon
What the fuck do you miss about Joan? I'm curious, really. Was it her racist tirades? Was it her calling Michelle Obama a transvestite?Repulsive woman. Never liked her.
I miss Joan...
So, basically, lay down, shut up, and take it like a nice liberal on their moral high ground. Okay, I'm sure that'll start working for us someday soon
There has to be a better middle ground than either becoming what we dislike about Trump or "lay down, shut up ..."
If a person feels so strong about it that they're resorting to photos with a decapitated Trump, how about instead using that energy to become active in politics so that in a few years you can actually make a real difference?
This is an extreme example but if every celebrity who's resorted to Trump tactics would instead run for office they'd probably win their election (people love voting for celebrities) and would basically take over the government and could do what they thought was right.
Just what we need, more fucking celebs running for office.There has to be a better middle ground than either becoming what we dislike about Trump or "lay down, shut up ..."
If a person feels so strong about it that they're resorting to photos with a decapitated Trump, how about instead using that energy to become active in politics so that in a few years you can actually make a real difference?
This is an extreme example but if every celebrity who's resorted to Trump tactics would instead run for office they'd probably win their election (people love voting for celebrities) and would basically take over the government and could do what they thought was right.
It's all bad. Holy crap how can people defend this?
Both ends of the spectrum have lost all sense of logic and decency. We're living in weird and scary times when we can defend the death of a person we don't agree with.
ISIS, Warlords and Extremists do that shit. She's doing what she actually fears. It's a vicious circle. against Kathy Griffin continues to grow with at least four theaters announcing Thursday that they had canceled her performances after the comedian posed with a likeness of President Donald Trumps severed head.
Venues in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania canceled November shows. The Community Arts Theater in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, posted on its website that the show had been dropped due to the recent controversy surrounding Kathy Griffin and the concern for the safety and security of our patrons and staff....
Sen. Al Franken also dis-invited Griffin from an event promoting his new book, Giant of the Senate.
After hearing from many Minnesotans who were rightfully offended, Ive come to the conclusion that it would be best for her not to participate in the event we had previously scheduled, the Minnesota Democrat said Thursday, a day after he had said she was still welcome. I understand why Minnesotans were upset by this, and I take that very seriously.
Guess I've got a new fav band
Is that a real shirt?
My wife and I are big Municipal Waste fans/Trump haters. We both have this shirt and actually used to wear it out during the primaries, when it was first released. We're in the South so there's no way in hell either of us would wear it out now for fear of irrational repercussions by Trump nuts.
It's all bad. Holy crap how can people defend this?
Both ends of the spectrum have lost all sense of logic and decency. We're living in weird and scary times when we can defend the death of a person we don't agree with.
ISIS, Warlords and Extremists do that shit. She's doing what she actually fears. It's a vicious circle.
People here are condoning a picture of a fake beheading? What the hell is wrong with you people? I don't care if you hate him/love him whatever.... I get that, but that's like ISIS type shit. Barbaric.
She fucked up, that picture was completely out of line regardless of who she's targeting. She brought all this on herself.she shouldn't have apologized
People here are condoning a picture of a fake beheading? What the hell is wrong with you people? I don't care if you hate him/love him whatever.... I get that, but that's like ISIS level shit.