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Kaz Yamauchi at JGTC- He raced against Nissan Driver (psp release date)



hought I saw Polyphony chief, Kazunori Yamauchi walking around. I kept starring at a man in a red shirt just outside the media center. It turns out that it was Yamauchi-san. We took a quick opportunity talk to him for a brief second and ask him about GT4. He's still working on it and he still doesn't have his Ford GT, he'll get it in October.

We were later told by a JGTC rep that Sony was at the event to have a Nissan test driver play GT4 against Kazunori. This would take place around 1pm. We know he's a huge racing fan, but with the game's release so close, we didn't expect to find him at the track. It was a very good surprise.

The time came to head over to the GT4 demo area and indeed Kazunori-san was at the GT4 demo area with a Nissan test driver, Satoshi Motoyama. Some of the GT4 team was also present, with Beta cams, filming Kazunori as he walked around and interviewed the driver. Surely, this footage will not only be used for reference purposes, but will also appear in the game as bonus footage or possibly part of the ending sequence.

More here : http://cars.ign.com/articles/546/546244p1.html



Some of the GT4 team was also present, with Beta cams

heh, I didn't realize that Sony uses Beta cams. well, sony did afterall, invent them. i suppose it's only natural that Sony people of any generation would use their company's format.

Sho Nuff

doncale said:
heh, I didn't realize that Sony uses Beta cams. well, sony did afterall, invent them. i suppose it's only natural that Sony people of any generation would use their company's format.

Betacam. Not Beta.


isn't betamax still widely used in the television industry? well the remaining analog side of the TV industry.


mr2mike said:
isn't betamax still widely used in the television industry? well the remaining analog side of the TV industry.

Yes, it is.
Betacam is an impressively high quality analog standard. It's quite higher detail than, say, dvd.
I have a betacam sp vcr right here as i'm writing this (i work in the television industry :p). It probably costs around 20.000$
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