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Kentucky Clerk Turns Away Same-Sex Couple Despite Federal Ruling

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Here's Kim Davis from Morehead *snicker* making the headlines again.

Some quotes:

U.S. District Judge David Bunning granted a preliminary injunction against Davis sought by four Rowan County couples who applied for marriage licenses. Davis has refused to issue any marriage licenses in her county since June 26, when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage and Gov. Steve Beshear instructed all 120 of Kentucky's county clerks to comply with the court's decision.

Davis "likely has violated the constitutional rights of her constituents" by promoting her Christian beliefs "at the expense of others," Bunning wrote in his order.

"The state is not asking her to condone same-sex unions on moral or religious grounds, nor is it restricting her from engaging in a variety of religious activities," the judge wrote. "She is even free to believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman, as many Americans do. However, her religious convictions cannot excuse her from performing the duties that she took an oath to perform as Rowan County clerk."

In his 28-page order, Bunning considered and dismissed every argument Davis has raised in her defense — and in a related lawsuit she filed last week against Beshear, alleging that he violated her religious liberties by directing county clerks to comply with the Supreme Court decision.

On Davis' argument that she can't in good conscience "authorize" a same-sex marriage, given her beliefs as an Apostolic Christian, Bunning said she was not being asked to authorize marriages. Kentucky's marriage license paperwork requires clerks only to acknowledge that a couple has provided accurate biographical information and is legally permitted to wed, Bunning wrote. And whether or not Davis likes it, same-sex couples now are legally permitted to wed, he wrote.

On Davis' argument that same-sex couples could drive to another county where the clerk is willing to serve them, Bunning said she did not take into account the difficulty of travel for her poorer constituents or the likelihood that other clerks would seek the same religious exemption she demands, so that "approximately half of the state" could declare itself off-limits to gay couples seeking a license.

Beyond all that, Bunning wrote, "she fails to address the one question that lingers in the court's mind. Even if plaintiffs are able to obtain licenses elsewhere, why should they be required to? ... They live, work, socialize, pay taxes and conduct other business in and around Morehead. Quite simply, Rowan County is their home."

"Davis has arguably (violated the First Amendment) by openly adopting a policy that promotes her own religious convictions at the expense of others," Bunning wrote.

"Our form of government will not survive unless we, as a society, agree to respect the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions, regardless of our personal opinions," Bunning wrote. "Davis is certainly free to disagree with the court's opinion, as many Americans likely do, but that does not excuse her from complying with it. To hold otherwise would set a dangerous precedent."

Note: she is trying to appeal the ruling

For a typical conservative judge, he's the son of Jim Bunning, he lays down some hard truths for Davis...


I hope she has another job lined up. She's going to need it.

I was under the impression that this was an elected position, so there are only three ways to get her out of the job: recall, resign, or jail. I'm perfectly fine with jailing her for contempt until she starts issuing the licenses or resigns from her post. Fucking bigots.


If you don't support same sex marriage because of your religious beliefs, that's your right (as stupid as it might be since same-sex marriages don't really affect you). But for fucks sake, if your religious views directly conflict with what your job requires you to do then find a new fucking job.

This person should be removed from their job for this.


Chaplains in Kentucky are also being let go for not agreeing to sign a form that says they will never tell inmates that homosexuality is sinful.

Article: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin

Chaplain David Wells was told he could either sign a state-mandated document promising to never tell inmates that homosexuality is “sinful” or else the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice would revoke his credentials.

“We could not sign that paper,” Chaplain Wells told me in a telephone call from his home in Kentucky. “It broke my heart.”

The Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice revoked his volunteer credentials as an ordained minister — ending 13 years of ministry to underage inmates at the Warren County Regional Juvenile Detention Center.

“We sincerely appreciate your years of service and dedication to the youth served by this facility,” wrote Superintendent Gene Wade in a letter to Wells. “However, due to your decision, based on your religious convictions, that you cannot comply with the requirements outlined in DJJ Policy 912, Section IV, Paragraph H, regarding the treatment of LGBTQI youth, I must terminate your involvement as a religious volunteer.”



I was under the impression that this was an elected position, so there are only three ways to get her out of the job: recall, resign, or jail. I'm perfectly fine with jailing her for contempt until she starts issuing the licenses or resigns from her post. Fucking bigots.

I can definitely see her resigning rather than issuing the licenses.

That way she can drum up support for her "religious persecution" and the inevitable "give me money for being a regressive idiot" campaign.
She probably thought she'd be heralded as a hero.... but she's just a hateful dick. Do your job or get a new one, you hateful cretin.

And don't use this to make a sweeping judgement on Kentuckians, please. That's the very thing progressives supposedly lament: 'punching down' and prejudice. We are all individuals. Some good, some bad. Furthermore, some of us DO our job, and others choose to neglect their responsibilities as public servants because they don't appreciate how a free society operates.

Two Words

If you have a strong moral opposition to gay marriage and hold a government position that requires you to do something you feel is against your faith, then just fucking resign.
Chaplains in Kentucky are also being let go for not agreeing to sign a form that says they will never tell inmates that homosexuality is sinful.

Article: Chaplains banned from preaching that homosexuality is a sin

Alternative title: Government staff fired for not following a policy that's over a year old, Christians bring it up to derail a topic about gay marriage because we gotta maintain that martyr complex.

DJJ Policy 912 said:
DJJ staff, volunteers, interns, and contractors, in the course of their
work, shall not refer to juveniles by using derogatory language in a
manner that conveys bias towards or hatred of the LGBTQI
community. DJJ staff, volunteers, interns, and contractors shall not
imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful,
or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender


Hold your horses, it's not a derail. It's at least tangentally related. I think you might be assuming an agenda where there is none.


Not only is she not doing her job, but she is breaking the law.

Fire her. Most other states wouldn't hesitate to fire someone not doing their job.


The funny part about the logic they try to use is that by even being a US citizen you are indirectly contributing to this against your beliefs. So saying you won't sign a paper to get an exemption because you'd be engaging in something you don't believe in doesn't fly.

Same as being a government worker but not issuing licenses. It's obstruction. Go to jail.
GameAnalyst posts with a visible agenda quite often. He's certainly not applauding the decision to let go of volunteers in the DJJ, if the source he posted is any indication.

But literally everyone ignored it until you quoted it, and helped derail the thread. Sometimes, you just ignore idiots. It's easier and lets the actual conversation continue.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I kinda respect her dedication to being shitty. She had to know she would get fired eventually and county clerk is probably a nice cushy job with good pay and benefits. Enjoy bagging groceries and being shitty forever, lady.


Bump... but...

Appeals court ordered her to issue licenses ahead of the August 31st ruling date... As of this morning, Kim Davis is STILL refusing licenses to gay couples.

How is this piece of shit not arrested/steeply fined yet?

Can't wait to see her gofundme page!
If a clerk were to be actually jailed for contempt resulting from a refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, the absolute shitstorm of a conservative freakout would be interesting to observe.


The Autumn Wind
If a clerk were to be actually jailed for contempt resulting from a refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, the absolute shitstorm of a conservative freakout would be interesting to observe.
Let them. These people need to learn this shit won't fly.
If a clerk were to be actually jailed for contempt resulting from a refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, the absolute shitstorm of a conservative freakout would be interesting to observe.

Even better, imagine if Obama used national guard troops to enforce the federal order.


Can someone with a better law education tell me the answer to these two questions:

1) What the ramifications for disobeying a court order like this "should" be, if truly enforced

2) What the ramifications will actually be. Some laws are technically on the book but not practically enforced. Could this be one of those in this case?
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