So, i took a long break from KSP, and i've been basically re-learning the game. Not to mention configuring mods, final list contains 66 mods, mostly quality of life things with MKS and related mods being the only real additions).
Anyway, it is time to send Jeb to the Mun.
For this, i created an Apollo/Saturn-like system, though only for one Kerbal as i am limited to the tech tier costing 90 science, hopefully my Mun landing will get me enough science to construct a larger lander and rocket.
First, the Command and Service Module, or CAMS for short. No, the acronym is not correct, but that's Kerbal for you.
Command module is a simple Mk1 pod with a docking port and heat shield. I use drogue chutes for size reasons, radial parachutes are too large.
The service module contains communications, batteries and RCS systems, and houses a probe unit for remote control should i send non-pilot Kerbals to the Mun.
Second, the Munar Landing Vehicle, or MLV. (Note the KER display is set to Kerbin mode, it has far more TWR on Mun.)
While my system is Apollo-like, it is not identical. In this case, the lander is one-stage system rather than two-stage system like the real Lunar Module was.
Science payload is pretty small with only two Mystery Goo containers, but i don't have any other lightweight experiments available that i haven't done already. My probes have measured temperatures and pressure already.
Third, the Jool I carrier rocket.
The payload section is empty in the pic and lacks the launch escape system. I don't really need a LES since i tend to revert bad launches but i do design abort modes out of principle.
The MLV goes first in the fairing, and the CAMS on top of it. Once i orbit the Mun, i will detach the CAMS, flip it around, dock it to the MLV and detach it from the payload section.
I don't know how the mission will go. I've sent probes to the Mun but i haven't done a return mission so far. Basically, Jeb will be testing the rocket (i did a quick test to verify it can get to Kerbin low orbit with the payload but that's all...), the Mun vehicles and return process.
EDIT And the first launch was a catastrophe. I forgot to detach the fairing and the LES earlier, so i did that at 45 klicks. Only, something went wrong and the LES didn't decouple, and manual decoupling caused it to smash a solar panel from the MLV and the LES then proceeded to smash the main engine...
EDIT2 As i am orbiting Mun, i realize i have way, way too much Delta-V. Wasteful. The entire third stage of Jool I is unused so far. Oh, well, at least i won't have any trouble getting back to Kerbin.
Anyway, it is time to send Jeb to the Mun.
For this, i created an Apollo/Saturn-like system, though only for one Kerbal as i am limited to the tech tier costing 90 science, hopefully my Mun landing will get me enough science to construct a larger lander and rocket.
First, the Command and Service Module, or CAMS for short. No, the acronym is not correct, but that's Kerbal for you.

Command module is a simple Mk1 pod with a docking port and heat shield. I use drogue chutes for size reasons, radial parachutes are too large.
The service module contains communications, batteries and RCS systems, and houses a probe unit for remote control should i send non-pilot Kerbals to the Mun.
Second, the Munar Landing Vehicle, or MLV. (Note the KER display is set to Kerbin mode, it has far more TWR on Mun.)

While my system is Apollo-like, it is not identical. In this case, the lander is one-stage system rather than two-stage system like the real Lunar Module was.
Science payload is pretty small with only two Mystery Goo containers, but i don't have any other lightweight experiments available that i haven't done already. My probes have measured temperatures and pressure already.
Third, the Jool I carrier rocket.

The payload section is empty in the pic and lacks the launch escape system. I don't really need a LES since i tend to revert bad launches but i do design abort modes out of principle.
The MLV goes first in the fairing, and the CAMS on top of it. Once i orbit the Mun, i will detach the CAMS, flip it around, dock it to the MLV and detach it from the payload section.
I don't know how the mission will go. I've sent probes to the Mun but i haven't done a return mission so far. Basically, Jeb will be testing the rocket (i did a quick test to verify it can get to Kerbin low orbit with the payload but that's all...), the Mun vehicles and return process.
EDIT And the first launch was a catastrophe. I forgot to detach the fairing and the LES earlier, so i did that at 45 klicks. Only, something went wrong and the LES didn't decouple, and manual decoupling caused it to smash a solar panel from the MLV and the LES then proceeded to smash the main engine...
EDIT2 As i am orbiting Mun, i realize i have way, way too much Delta-V. Wasteful. The entire third stage of Jool I is unused so far. Oh, well, at least i won't have any trouble getting back to Kerbin.