LOS ANGELES - Sen. John Kerry hasn't hit the campaign trail this spring to support his friend Antonio Villaraigosa, but their relationship is paying off for the city's front-running mayoral candidate.
Earlier this month, Villaraigosa reported raising $652,000 from March 9 to April 2, while Hahn had about $408,000 in donations over the same period. Polls indicate the challenger is leading the race.
Villaraigosa's political trenchwork in the presidential campaign made him a favorite with the Kerry faithful, a relationship that has reciprocal benefits.
"Clearly through his role and visibility in the (presidential) campaign, Antonio made important contacts with people in the Kerry organization and his donors across the country," said Larry Grisolano, Kerry's California campaign director in the 2004 primary, who has donated to the Villaraigosa effort. "That has positioned him to go back to those donors for his own campaign."
I'm really hoping Villaraigosa goes for the win here. He's a far better candidate than Hahn and has a much brighter vision for the city. Get out the freakin' voteeee
Earlier this month, Villaraigosa reported raising $652,000 from March 9 to April 2, while Hahn had about $408,000 in donations over the same period. Polls indicate the challenger is leading the race.
Villaraigosa's political trenchwork in the presidential campaign made him a favorite with the Kerry faithful, a relationship that has reciprocal benefits.
"Clearly through his role and visibility in the (presidential) campaign, Antonio made important contacts with people in the Kerry organization and his donors across the country," said Larry Grisolano, Kerry's California campaign director in the 2004 primary, who has donated to the Villaraigosa effort. "That has positioned him to go back to those donors for his own campaign."
I'm really hoping Villaraigosa goes for the win here. He's a far better candidate than Hahn and has a much brighter vision for the city. Get out the freakin' voteeee