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Kid Icarus Uprising |OT| On a Wing and a Prayer


oh come on, there's gotta be some weapons for each type that stand out above the rest

Well, personally, I like the Magnus Club over all over clubs because of dat power. But that's not to say that the Babel Club is bad or the Halo Club is bad, because they're not. Just depends on how you use them and what stats they have.

For example, I can't use the Samurai Blade for shit and I think it sucks. Yet ScraftyDevil found a Samurai Blade that has good stats, found some power ups that match it well along with his playing style, practiced using it, and now he's a freaking beast with it.

I will say though, off the top of my head, Eyetrack Orbitars are probably the best Orbitars. They're the only Orbitars I really ever have trouble with.


Well, personally, I like the Magnus Club over all over clubs because of dat power. But that's not to say that the Babel Club is bad or the Halo Club is bad, because they're not. Just depends on how you use them and what stats they have.

For example, I can't use the Samurai Blade for shit and I think it sucks. Yet ScraftyDevil found a Samurai Blade that has good stats, found some power ups that match it well along with his playing style, practiced using it, and now he's a freaking beast with it.

I will say though, off the top of my head, Eyetrack Orbitars are probably the best Orbitars. They're the only Orbitars I really ever have trouble with.

Gemini can be a pain in the ass if spec'd correctly. As I mentioned earlier there was one guy I was facing (Japanese obviously) that had a GO that somehow constantly hovered over you and did 4-5 attacks in the span of 3 seconds, forcing you to dodge 5 times and not letting you miss it once otherwise you lose most of your health.
But yeah, Eyetrack are insanely powerful. I do like Guardian Orbitars more spread-based attacks letting you control the field more, but they are a bit harder to hit with.
what's generally considered the best weapons anyway?
This thread, while flawed - IIRC it contains a bit of what I would call the KI:U equivalent of "ELECTIVIRE IS OU DAMN IT" - can give you an idea of what to look for: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997768-kid-icarus-uprising/66770526

Of course, for a lot of those weapons you won't get a good idea of how they're used or what they're used for. Just ask here if you have absolutely no idea how to use a weapon. Oh, you'll probably want to read this while you're at it:

Do note that for FFA you just want to make a weapon that OHKOs easily.

For ranged weapons you typically go for Shot Homing +3, Shot Range +3, and then a mod that boosts your weapon's best attack. Though if you can squeeze Shot Defense +1/2 on there that's always good because it drastically reduces the amount of weapons that can OHKO you.

That said, success can indeed be achieved with pretty much any weapon but, well... most people do agree that certain weapons are easier to do well with than other ones. I need to try out that SCF Brawler set because fuck Eyetracks. XP


You know the Magnus Club is OP when I can use this since April of 2012


and still do good regularly. The -2 Shot Defense usually gets me insta-killed as well, and if I don't get insta-killed by someone my health is usually so low that someone could sneeze on me and i'd die. I should probably try to forge a new weapon though. I really haven't used the forge once since I got that Magnus Club.
Gemini can be a pain in the ass if spec'd correctly. As I mentioned earlier there was one guy I was facing (Japanese obviously) that had a GO that somehow constantly hovered over you and did 4-5 attacks in the span of 3 seconds, forcing you to dodge 5 times and not letting you miss it once otherwise you lose most of your health.
But yeah, Eyetrack are insanely powerful. I do like Guardian Orbitars more spread-based attacks letting you control the field more, but they are a bit harder to hit with.

I haven't played this game that much lately, so I don't really remember what the Gemini Orbitars look like, but they sound pretty awesome.
Oh I noticed...those freaking wolf claws.
I was home sick in bed with nothing else to do so fusing seemed like the perfect time killer. I must have had over 300 when I started and whittled them down to about 20.

I'm kind of surprised by how weapons I still haven't unlocked though, the amount of content in this game is just staggering O_O


You know the Magnus Club is OP when I can use this since April of 2012


and still do good regularly. The -2 Shot Defense usually gets me insta-killed as well, and if I don't get insta-killed by someone my health is usually so low that someone could sneeze on me and i'd die. I should probably try to forge a new weapon though. I really haven't used the forge once since I got that Magnus Club..

IIRC shot defense has nothing to do with how much damage you take, it's how likely your shots are going to break through someone else's shots, i.e. are unaffected by cancelling.
Unless that's a different stat I am thinking of. That or it's the other way around and shot defense increases the chance you'll cancel someone else's shots.

EDIT: I remembered why I came into this thread:


Does anyone have that picture/drawing that tells you how to hold your 3DS properly when playing KIU? Seen it posted on NeoGAF before but can't find it anymore. :/

EDIT: Thank you :3


Sorry, I'm not sacrificing my beautiful hands to this game. I'm not even sure if that's possible to do with an XL anyway.

If anyone's interested we're about to start some LvD.

If you think holding the 3DS in a deathgrip with your left hand is a better idea you're the one sacrificing your hands. I have no problem when I support the weight of the right side of the system with my right pinky (on the bottom half of the system rather than the top near the R button, but the idea is the same).
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