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Killer 7 - new screens


works for Gamestop (lol)














rollin' in the gutter
News sites should be required to show this in video form only. Game in motion 1000000000 times >>>> screens.


It's funny how a lot of people were prasing this game at first (and not just GC fans)... what happened? It certainly looks better than when it was first unveiled. Is the actual look or the gameplay that is turning everyone off?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Mashing said:
It's funny how a lot of people were prasing this game at first (and not just GC fans)... what happened? It certainly looks better than when it was first unveiled. Is the actual look or the gameplay that is turning everyone off?

PS2 happened
Mashing said:
It's funny how a lot of people were prasing this game at first (and not just GC fans)... what happened? It certainly looks better than when it was first unveiled. Is the actual look or the gameplay that is turning everyone off?

Long time with no release and very little in the way of gameplay talk (at one point it was widely thought to be a point and click game) breeds apathy.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Long time with no release and very little in the way of gameplay talk (at one point it was widely thought to be a point and click game) breeds apathy.
Yeah -- I'd say that's why the hype has died down, not because it's no longer exclusive.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Long time with no release and very little in the way of gameplay talk (at one point it was widely thought to be a point and click game) breeds apathy.

That's what I think as well.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Game in motion 1000000000 times >>>> screens."

hell yes - the game looks fantastic in motion.


I want it, I still love the art (I don't give a shit about being exclusive or not)

In motion is absolutely awesome, I have no doubts that I like a lot this graphics, my other reasonable doubt is how it plays, we still have almost anything about gameplay.


I know some early pictures of the game had some great shadows, but the whtie-suit character looks.. like gourad shading or something now. What happened to the slick shadows? Still very interested in the game though.


I do think this game's artstyle has changed a bit from its initial stages. I remember the first shots and trailer using mainly blacks, darkblues and greys, combined with the bloodspatters in red and lots of white details. I thinks it looks a lot brighter and colorful nowadays. I also feel details on enviroments have increased, making it look a lot less stylish, but more realistic.


Unconfirmed Member
I think this game "lost the plot". =/

The great thing about the early screens was the super-simplicity. Even this is overly complicated.

aoi tsuki

Mashing said:
It's funny how a lot of people were prasing this game at first (and not just GC fans)... what happened? It certainly looks better than when it was first unveiled. Is the actual look or the gameplay that is turning everyone off?
The in-game screens are nowhere near as visually wowwing as some of the well-picked original shots. It's not just a case of more processor power during cutscenes, but a combination of color schemes, camera angles, and various prominent design styles (art deco, minimalist, etc.). After the first set of shots, everything started going downhill in terms of looks. These shots show more a more traditional cel shaded look versus the more stylistic "horizon gradients" and flat-shaded elements. Perhaps those were meant mainly for cutscenes to highlight certain scenes. Lastly, there's a slightly more gradual gradiation in some of characters, mainly Garcian's outfit. Again, this could be the difference of in-game versus cutscenes.

And seriously, that HUD looks nasty and counter to the style of the game. Three fonts (four if you count the room selection screen), and elements that don't look consistent at all.

Also, don't know when it was last posted, but the Killer 7 HP has been updated with info on more characters, along with dialog from the TGS trailer:



I don't really care about the game, well, I do, it's opening a new way in games art direction, and I hope the gameplay is as solid as the graphics.
What I really do care is about high resolution screengrabs so that I can make some really cool looking t-shirts.


I do think the game's art sense has been minimized to be more 'normal' but really what is the sense in that? It's curent state of a more convential appearance isn't going to make it welcomed by people who rejected it before. It's just pointless.


Uh, I'm pretty sure this is the GameCube version, and I as the one to point out the last set of screens as PS2...


(more a nerd than a geek)
For some reason, I'm starting to wonder if you'd get this game by crossing The House of the Dead 3 (with cel-shading) and those light gun Resident Evil games.


Will start substantiating his hate
SolidSnakex said:
It's always looked like this
It used to feature self-shadowing. Dunno if PS2 is to blame but it seems like it stopped showing in screens around the same time the PS2 version was announced.

Also, Capcom used to release hi-res screens instead of video grabs. Some people don't realize the difference.


It's hilarious and also very sad the way you people jump to all these conclusions without knowing anything at all about something. Killer 7 is absolutely stunning to look at and the way the game is executed is a breath of fresh air in the overcluttered sea of garbage geared towards the narrow minded. It's not the "mature" or "realistic" generic 3D adventure craved so much on this board - after attending the presentation at TGS and speaking to people who are involved with the localisation and testing I know it's absolute class and cannot wait to finally get my hands on it.

When you see the game being played in front of you it's breathtaking, the animation and artwork style are in a class of it's own and portray the dream-like yet dark atmosphere of the story perfectly. The way the Heaven's Smiles freeze then explode into bloodcells and those cells then stream into your (what I call junction system - not sure what they are calling it yet, it's on the lower left of the screen) in cascades as you cap off a bunch of them is a sight to behold. The best thing about the fighting in this game is that it isnt the simple point and shoot you lot love so much in your FPS games, each Smith deals with enemies differently and there's a lot of tactics, combos and setups involved.

In motion simply moving your character looks unbelievably cool, you dont have direct control over the character during movement but rather you select directions as they weave and melt into the screen. Like suppose you hit down to walk down a corridor towards the screen with a dead end and an item - the character will stop at the end of the corridor and the option for the iten will spin into the screen and you then hit that direction and then turn back and head down the other way - whenever you get to a point where the path splits options appear for each split.

There is actually a lot to the game system and exploration/search and destroy element to the game which doesnt show in stills. Each Smith has a different set of abilities, there are loads of items to find and use, clever puzzles to solve - each one of your abilities can be powered up and improved and all of this is is packaged up in a beautifully executed and originally presented game.

....and still the hate? It's so fucking sad.
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