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Killzone Betas arriving today

Musashi Wins!

I would very much like to hear these impressions. Lucky bastards. I'm not totally convinced this game will be any good, but I'm hoping.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Nice disc art

I'm assuming the impressions are something like 'OFMG DIS GAME IZ BETTAR THAN HALO'
DSN2K said:
It was no Halo killer at E3 and I expect thats not changed.

KK cool coz yu know, you played it a teh e3 so you kno you played the beta am i rite?

The beta WILL be a lot different than the E3 Demo.


How about you send it to me and ill play it right away. ;) Havent heard anything from KZ for a while, cant wait for some impressions.


works for Gamestop (lol)
You also have to be a Playstation Underground member and check in the box that says "Yes I want to partcipate in betas" in the member profile


interview incl. gameplay: http://www.warishere.com/movies/characters.html

new trailer incl. gameplay: http://www.warishere.com/movies/fmv.html



robertsan21 said:
can someone give me a link to the sony forum please?

and how did you get your beta?

There is a forum that only beta testers are allowed access to - you won't even be able to see it unless you're logged in and a beta tester.

There is a Killzone forum there for non-beta testers as well. There might be nice information posted there though, but the beta forum is very busy right now.

People are reporting lag and some server issues, but nothing like the SOCOM II beta.


Is it just me, or did the lights in that video shine all the way through one of the character's bodies like it was translucent?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Game looks like it could be cool. I like the multiple character thing, each with their own paths, weapons, abilities, etc. I hope it winds up being a significant part of the gameplay.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Killzone is no more of a "Halo Killer" than Forza being a "Gran Turismo Killer". I wanted to get into this Beta :( Hopefully that means us that didn't get into Killzone will be in the Gran Turismo 4 online Beta :D




I can see the Killzone Beta Test Forum!

Does that mean I am in the beta!?



IJoel said:


I can see the Killzone Beta Test Forum!

Does that mean I am in the beta!?


There are two Killzone forums. One for beta testers only, one for both. You might see the forum accessible to everyone.


I haven't been to the Beta forums yet (I just received it maybe 10 minutes ago from UPS), but did you try going to that address listed to get the game's manual?


Priz said:
I haven't been to the Beta forums yet (I just received it maybe 10 minutes ago from UPS), but did you try going to that address listed to get the game's manual?

Yeah, it doesn't work...yet. People are saying that we'll get the manual emailed to us. I'm sure no one really knows though.


works for Gamestop (lol)
From what I've read so far, looks like a lot of people are disappointed. I'm not surprised to say the least


works for Gamestop (lol)
So anyone here actually play the beta yet?

I hear that killing someone takes an enormous amount of bullets. And reloading takes way too long (which you've probably from the videos, so taking a person down can take a while. Also heard that chatting can only be done by pressing right on the d-pad. Is there not enough buttons on the PS2 controller or what?

Any impressions?


If you've ever played Urban Terror, imagine that with suckier weapons, weapons that do a fraction of the damage (I unloaded a clip from a handgun at really close range and even though I know I hit him repeatedly, I might as well have been waving a fan at the guy), no way to shut off the bounce of moving (slight motion sickness)...

The map I played on WAS nice, there's a whole buddy list thing, controls weren't bad and they did a nice effect for running (slight screen blur on the edges)...

Needs work. If they could add an option to fix the bounce and get the handgun weapon damage up, it'd be decent.

They've come up with an interesting system to type things with an analog pad too.

It's an interesting idea... but in it's current state, I think if I want to play a FPS, I'll stick to UT.



Midas said:
A bit OT but... Can anyone in Europe connect to the "Central Station" or whatever it's called?

You mean the european community server with news etc? I could when I tried. haven't tried in 6 months though. You have to forward a couple of ports on your router if you're behind a firewall/router if you can't connect.


Mejilan said:
A Quake3 mod with the Unreal Tournament acronym?

Actually, most people call it UrT to make it more distinct, but I was being lazy.

It's been a Quake 3 mod which will soon be a standalone product (they're rewriting it for the RTCW:ET engine so it can be played for free without having to purchase/install Q3).


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Played it recently round a friend's on a big-ass projector. I think it's more Call of Duty but in more compact environments and brutal weapons. I loved it. A great single player game - Lugar's a great character. Apparently she's a famous Danish actress.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Needs work. If they could add an option to fix the bounce
'Fix' the bounce? :p Doubtful. Camera motions are one of the things they seem to be proud of, and personally it seems like a really good idea, that will add some extra atmosphere.


Shompola said:
You mean the european community server with news etc? I could when I tried. haven't tried in 6 months though. You have to forward a couple of ports on your router if you're behind a firewall/router if you can't connect.

I found info in their forums. Some bug, had to delete the settings and make new ones. Had to enter some pin-number I got in the mail.


Wario64 said:
So anyone here actually play the beta yet?

I hear that killing someone takes an enormous amount of bullets. And reloading takes way too long (which you've probably from the videos, so taking a person down can take a while. Also heard that chatting can only be done by pressing right on the d-pad. Is there not enough buttons on the PS2 controller or what?

Any impressions?

No lagging
Weapons SERIOUSLY underpowered
reloading does take way too long
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