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Killzone: New hands-on preview

Mr Gump

I want some good new media on this game, although i cant say at this time i expect the game to be anything special.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i wasn't too impressed with killzone at E3, but that preview (which was nicely written, btw) has kind of turned up the heat for me. missing from the E3 demo of course, were single-player moments which really shows off AI and ambience.

this game looks hot.


We beta testers don't need a preview to know this game sucks.
Of course, I suck all kinds of ass at FPS's and strategic shooters, so I'm probably not the best judge for this kind of game. :D


So that's the verdict? The game sucks? I was really looking forward to it and now I'm bummed. Any other beta testers out there? I'd like to hear some other opinions on the matter. So far all I hear is promising previews and then people saying it sucked at E3 and the beta is crap. So what's the deal?
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