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King Kong Live Action series in the works at Disney+


Gold Member
The series will explore the mythology of King Kong’s origin story and the supernatural mysteries of his home based on IP from Merian C. Cooper’s original books and the new King Kong novelizations by Joe DeVito



Parody of actual AJUMP23
I like King Kong but I don’t need more of it. I would prefer a kranky kong live action sitcom.


Meh, not interested. Kong has never been a Kaiju I was ever interested in.
People like to trash Peter Jackson's King Kong, but I don't think there will ever be a better adaptation of the original story/movie than that one.
Who trashed King Kong? I remember it getting universal praise when it first came out. Personally, though I never like Kong but I'll even admit the movie enjoyable. People trashed Kong more than the Peter Jackson film.
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D+ cg means this will look shite. Andor is the only thing in a long time remotely looking like a quality tv show, visually.
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DeVito sued Legendary and Warner in 2016 because he thought the upcoming movie was based on his work and a failed TV pitch 🤡

People like to trash Peter Jackson's King Kong, but I don't think there will ever be a better adaptation of the original story/movie than that one.

Weta's work was amazing. Their first book was about Skull Island. It's rare and super expensive today but you can read it here: https://archive.org/details/wetaworkshoppres0000unse/mode/2up
You have to borrow a digital copy which locks out everybody else for one hour (it's the option at the top). Should one be inclined to commit internet crimes, one hour is more than enough to open the book in Edge, view it in full screen and two page display, zoom in so it pulls the highest quality images, right click on the images (both left and right pages) and download every individual page :pie_thinking:


People like to trash Peter Jackson's King Kong, but I don't think there will ever be a better adaptation of the original story/movie than that one.

It’s a great movie. I could see it being a bit lengthy for some but I felt they used the screen time mostly well. Also cool to see Jack Black in a somewhat more serious (compared to his usual work) role.

I also walked away from Kong: Skull Island pretty well pleased. I had no idea what the film was going in as I had seen zero trailers and such, and I assumed it was another remake which felt way too soon after Peter Jackson’s, so I was pleasantly surprised by the action/adventure film mixed with a bit of Vietnam War movie feel. The cast was really big but something about the performers made most of them feel fun to follow. Samuel L. Jackson and John C. Reilly (the latter who I didn’t even know would be in it as again I had watched zero previews, so my jaw dropped when he showed up halfway through) in particular killed it in their roles.


Stuff I'm interested in about King Kong:
Watching him go on a rampage and break shit in modern day downtown America.

Stuff I'm not interested in about King Kong:
The fucking King Kong backstory and universe. Holy shit.
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