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Kirby and the Rainbow Curse |OT| players gonna clay clay clay clay clay


It's still a bit of a shame , as the game is so outstandingly beautiful. Absolutely love the design. But as you say, it's all about the game.
I mean, yeah, it is still a bummer, just a minor one in my book. And I do think that someone who says it's "pointless" without being able to appreciate the TV simply shouldn't bother—unless that's just hyperbole and they'd really enjoy it anyway.

I am really hard-pressed to come up with a better way to play this game, though. A Wii Remote wouldn't work nearly as well—about the only other device one could use would be a capacitive-touch tablet, or of course some sort of Wacom-like device as has been proposed. But that's not the system we have here…


This came today, done the first two levels and I'm liking it. It's fun and it looks amazing.

I think I'll play through trying to get everything the first time but if I miss something then it's no big deal, I'll get it next play through.


Just played the first few levels and it's "pretty good". Not as good as a classic style Kirby game, like Triple Deluxe, but still lovely. I actually like that it dropped the copy mechanic from Canvas Curse, it makes it easier to control and just work on the puzzles.

What was a nice surprise to me was unlocking music from other Kirby games. I had no idea this was a thing.


What was a nice surprise to me was unlocking music from other Kirby games. I had no idea this was a thing.

Rainbow Curse seriously has the best music out of any Kirby game. It's not a long/deep game by any means, but a solid budget-priced puzzler-platformer with amazing presentation.

Glad people of Europe finally get to play it and are enjoying it!
Have to ask, can you play it by looking at the TV and relying on good ol' hand eye coordination? Either way I'm going to play it, just intrigued to know if that could work in theory.


Have to ask, can you play it by looking at the TV and relying on good ol' hand eye coordination? Either way I'm going to play it, just intrigued to know if that could work in theory.

It might be possible, but I personally can't. Gave it a go and just kept missing the mark.


Have to ask, can you play it by looking at the TV and relying on good ol' hand eye coordination? Either way I'm going to play it, just intrigued to know if that could work in theory.

In theory, of course. From what I read here going by the NA players, everyone that tried it found it not worth the trouble unless I'm forgetting some wizard player who kept at it.
It might be possible, but I personally can't. Gave it a go and just kept missing the mark.

In theory, of course. From what I read here going by the NA players, everyone that tried it found it not worth the trouble unless I'm forgetting some wizard player who kept at it.

Seems like a decent challenge mode then! Slightly saddened that it's difficult, but it doesn't matter if the gameplay is as good as it looks.


Anyone been playing this co-op? It feels really well-balanced between a Kirby and a Waddle Dee. Haven't tried it with multiple Dees yet though.

Works with the Pro Controller, btw, even though (as I recall) the game said I should use a Wii Remote 😒
All of the remixed tracks you unlock between levels are God tier. Holy crap.

Bold statement considering you haven't even played the game.

Yeah, sorry. I was totally talking out of my arse. The delay was still a big shame, but I shouldn't have been taking the negative criticism to heart. I bought it and it's brilliant.


Can anyone that has this please help me decide...is there any way to play this looking at the t.v? a cursor to show where your stylus is or wii remote option?
I love the art but it's pointless if i have to play on the gamepad.

Play as the second player on coop mode ?


Picked this up yesterday and I'm about to pop it in for the first time. I adored Canvas Curse (by faaaaaar my favorite kirby title), I hope this is just as great.
Hmm, well I finished up the main game with a few chests and gold medals still to obtain when I feel up to it.
I'm on the fence with this outing, it didn't really take me until in the later half of the game to truly have me click with the mechanical differences between this and the DS predecessor, I'm so used to the paint lines being like solid paths that the almost magnetic conveyor style of the ones here never felt quite right to me and probably played a hand in moments where I had Kirby trapped in corners and what not. That and dashing in water doesn't cause you to descend this time, another thing I had to wrestle with.

The foundations of the gameplay are still solid but it lacks that more kinetic dynamic of the original with less a focus on mastering your momentum with dashes and ramps, seeing as now a paint path just drags you along anyway.
The transformation sequences were a bit hit or miss, can't say I cared for the tank (and the gondola could be a right hassle at times while I'm at it) but I'm more accepting of the submarine and rocket, still I think I'd have preferred an Epic Yarn like approach to these pace changers where they finish off stages as opposed to taking up almost all of one seeing that the game lacks many stages in general.

Not that one shot attempts at collectables are uncommon in this series but it does feel at times that this entry in particular leveraged that angle for some shall we say replay value, like is there any reason the challenge doors should vanish if you fail? the first few seconds are spent quickly deciphering your actual task like it's a Wario Ware microgame so sometimes I didn't catch on until it was too late to finish up the task in time.
I do like that the standard star collectables count towards a medal, here you have that extra factor with the collectable combo mechanic which makes them more enticing to pick up, shame that the actual numbers needed for each stages medal rankings are kept hidden from the player though, an odd oversight.

At times I was reminded me why I enjoyed the path painting mechanic as much as I do in the first place, the game starts kicking into a stronger gear towards the end only to just end a bit too soon.
Looks great, sounds great, plays just okay, occasionally fiddly, maybe I just had higher hopes coming from Power Paintbrush, not to say I didn't enjoy the game, it just didn't expand on the original concept how I'd have liked, one dash forward with some ideas like the
dual kirbys
but two dashes backwards on the whole.

If the DS game was a title that opened eyes up to the dual and touch screen nature of the DS and how you could harness those elements well then the Wii U here doesn't get the same benefit, just your TV taunting you with superior visuals to the point I just mostly stuck with off tv play to ignore the temptation of swapping back and forth between TV and Pad.

Music unlockables are a great set of throwbacks for those of us who've played the series over the years, glorious DL2 remixes, if only there were more from DL3 and 64.


All diaries and chests, most gold, barely touched challenge mode (several are still locked, too.)

I liked this game. I'll probably pick at medals and challenges a bit going forward, but I might switch to Captain Toad for a bit too.




I shot people I like more for less.
Gold is friggin' impossible to get in 6-2. 😡

Don't remember the exact level offhand, but some levels, if you go past the end circle thing and land on the other side, more stars will pop up. Try that if you think you're getting close.


Don't remember the exact level offhand, but some levels, if you go past the end circle thing and land on the other side, more stars will pop up. Try that if you think you're getting close.
This one does have those, but unfortunately it wasn't enough.

I'm sure I can do it, I just need a steadier hand on the rocket path portion. (and maybe a few Waddle Dees doing boost duty)


Up to World 5 now and my patience is starting to wear thin here, the Gondolas are really annoying to handle and are simply not fun to use. I was enjoying the game earlier on before they started adding in annoying gimmicks that only seem to make the game more of a hassle.

Sorta reminds me of Gravity Rush, everything about this game is great, except the actual gameplay that's a constant hit or miss.


Got my copy today! Yay!


Buuuut no time to play. lol
Up to World 5 now and my patience is starting to wear thin here, the Gondolas are really annoying to handle and are simply not fun to use. I was enjoying the game earlier on before they started adding in annoying gimmicks that only seem to make the game more of a hassle.

Sorta reminds me of Gravity Rush, everything about this game is great, except the actual gameplay that's a constant hit or miss.

If it makes you feel any better World 5 is what 'd consider the definite low point so it steps back up a bit heading towards the end.
And I was so excited when I saw the world map visual, suddenly gondolas.


Well, I totally forgot this game was out until I saw it on a shelf in Game today. One world in and really liking it so far, even though I have to treat it as if it's a handheld game. It still looks pretty good on the little screen


Up to World 5 now and my patience is starting to wear thin here, the Gondolas are really annoying to handle and are simply not fun to use. I was enjoying the game earlier on before they started adding in annoying gimmicks that only seem to make the game more of a hassle.
Surprised the gondolas bother you—I considered them a high point. Though they took a little bit to learn how to handle at first.


Popped this disc in for the first time in a while -- what a refreshingly vibrant game. Auto scrolls still piss me off though. I'm too impatient with drawing.


How is the co-op? Want a game I can play with the missus, so far she's only really enjoyed SMU and even that was too hard.


Not that one shot attempts at collectables are uncommon in this series but it does feel at times that this entry in particular leveraged that angle for some shall we say replay value, like is there any reason the challenge doors should vanish if you fail? The first few seconds are spent quickly deciphering your actual task like it's a Wario Ware microgame so sometimes I didn't catch on until it was too late to finish up the task in time.
I do like that the standard star collectables count towards a medal, here you have that extra factor with the collectable combo mechanic which makes them more enticing to pick up, shame that the actual numbers needed for each stages medal rankings are kept hidden from the player though, an odd oversight.

Yes this bothered me a lot too, very frustrating and unfair. I finished the game at 90%, and it's good enough for me, I'm not that OCD to go back to earlier levels and try to remember which chest I missed and why. Same for the challenge mode, what a frustrating set of challenges, sometimes I would complete the objectives but the chest would take 1 or 2 seconds to appear so I couldn't catch it! It's been a while since I swore at a video-game. The best things about the whole game were the submarine levels which were a nice diversion, the interesting patterns of the bosses and particularly that double kirby level. A big shame it was underused. I'm not sure I can really recommend this game. It's passable.


I feel like there's missed potential for co-op here. it'd be much better imo if you could have one person exclusively drawing lines and another person controlling Waddle Dee, without the line drawer also having to guide Kirby. When I was co-oping this game, I wasn't a fan of how I had to constantly worry about the second player as well as Kirby and I just think it'd be more fun this way. Like Murfy in Rayman Legends.


I feel like there's missed potential for co-op here. it'd be much better imo if you could have one person exclusively drawing lines and another person controlling Waddle Dee, without the line drawer also having to guide Kirby. When I was co-oping this game, I wasn't a fan of how I had to constantly worry about the second player as well as Kirby and I just think it'd be more fun this way. Like Murfy in Rayman Legends.
My friend and I found this mechanic to be really well-balanced, actually—just enough challenge for both of us. I was definitely really bad at it at first since I only had getting Kirby from place to place on the brain, but I (mostly) came to grips with the need to keep Waddle Dee alive and changed my tactics, and we loved it.

If there were more Dees, though, it might tip the scale over the edge. ☺️
Picked this up recently and it's been a great change after finishing bloodborne.
And to anyone wondering like i was....yes it is possible to play whilst only looking at your tv. Though i will admit that's probably down to my daily use of a pen tablet for so many years.
great game so far, i'm guessing a lot of the low reviews were down to the difficulty at times being far harder than the artwork suggests, similar problem that reviewers faced with donkey kong.


I feel like there's missed potential for co-op here. it'd be much better imo if you could have one person exclusively drawing lines and another person controlling Waddle Dee, without the line drawer also having to guide Kirby. When I was co-oping this game, I wasn't a fan of how I had to constantly worry about the second player as well as Kirby and I just think it'd be more fun this way. Like Murfy in Rayman Legends.

I'd agree with you, but the coop makes the entire game so easy, that it more an makes up for any potential frustration.

Those complaining about the challenge stages, but still would like to finish them, should just grab a friend.


I didn't like Kirby: Canvas Curse on DS so I was a bit apprehensive about Rainbow Curse, but the game is IMO much better. It controls better, it's obviously much more beautiful, the gameplay is more focused... actually, it plays a bit like an arcade/scoring game, it reminds me a bit of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Replaying a level is pretty quick if you ignore scoring so I don't really mind missing a chest/diary pages. So far, never missed a challenge.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Up to World 5 now and my patience is starting to wear thin here, the Gondolas are really annoying to handle and are simply not fun to use. I was enjoying the game earlier on before they started adding in annoying gimmicks that only seem to make the game more of a hassle.

Sorta reminds me of Gravity Rush, everything about this game is great, except the actual gameplay that's a constant hit or miss.

Heh, funny enough I'm nearing the end of both this game and Gravity Rush... have a few more of the main levels to 100% and then its time to tackle the challenge levels. But tbh I dunno if I'm gonna go through with those. Do you even unlock anything apart from bragging rights?

Overall, the game really grew on me... I was apprehensive at first but once I got used to controlling Kirby everything flowed real well. Level design is great as per Nintendo's usual. And the music is EXCELLENT. Favorite being world 2-2 before you get the tank, a nice mellow new age piece that wouldn't be out of place in an RPG town.


So I finally got to the last world and it's... Purple Fortress... what? Why not Violet Fortress? What was the point of naming the previous six worlds Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo if you're not going to follow through? WHHHYYYYY.

The gondola didn't bother me as much as World 4 in general. Clouds and scrolling were and awful mix AND it has a battleship level which really annoy me.

Heh, funny enough I'm nearing the end of both this game and Gravity Rush... have a few more of the main levels to 100% and then its time to tackle the challenge levels. But tbh I dunno if I'm gonna go through with those. Do you even unlock anything apart from bragging rights?
Did you notice that the last page of challenge levels unlock conditions are beating each boss without taking damage? I'm fast approaching the point where I need to decide whether to put the game down when I get to that point and I'm not sure yet.


I'd agree with you, but the coop makes the entire game so easy, that it more an makes up for any potential frustration.

Those complaining about the challenge stages, but still would like to finish them, should just grab a friend.

Yeah, that's true. But I'd rather the game be easy and fun than easy and annoying. But maybe I just need to find a new co-op buddy.

having said that, I beat the game solo today. Had a good time from start to finish (barring the sky world with the auto-scrolling). Second favourite unusual Kirby under Mass Attack. As someone who wasn't particularly fond of Canvas Curse, I found this game to be great. Perhaps the gamepad screen being larger made drawing lines and stuff easier.


Still at first level, but Is there a way for the pages NOT to appear in the end ?

Tryed to rush on an already beaten level and it appeared anyway.... I was thinking they would be a bigger prize than just hitting them at the end.

Also .. I am having ideas of replaying the game after finished in co-op mode only in a way that both players are waddle dees .... and we have to trow kirby around to progress... I wonder how many stages can be passed without any line drawn ...


Still at first level, but Is there a way for the pages NOT to appear in the end ?

Tryed to rush on an already beaten level and it appeared anyway.... I was thinking they would be a bigger prize than just hitting them at the end.

Also .. I am having ideas of replaying the game after finished in co-op mode only in a way that both players are waddle dees .... and we have to trow kirby around to progress... I wonder how many stages can be passed without any line drawn ...

They always appear. It's hard enough to line it up so that you don't miss them^^


Probably need to play a bit more to settle on a best stage music but Great Cave Escape leaves a strong impression.

This is my favorite track in the game too and unfortunately, all the best music is in the first 2 worlds, in my opinion. Soundtrack gets progressively less impressive and just okay-ish the further you get. Was a bit disappointed by the OST, honestly. I think they should have allowed players to play music from the BGM test/unlock-screen for whichever stage upon completion.
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