
Do I really need to say anything else?
Someone once said, "we in the killin' Nazi business. is a-boomin"...and that line has never been more true than in Machinegames' amazing Wolfenstein revival. I had played some New Order before, but wanted to play both games fully before The New Colossus came out and it was so worth it.
Doom may have been faster and more furious in its gunplay, but Wolfenstein successfully blends gloriously gory fast-paced action with a surprisingly engaging and decent narrative and characters. BJ Blazkowicz has the build and unstoppable nature of your typical old school FPS hero, but Machinegames imbue him with such likable personality and out-of-time pathos that elevates him and his mission beyond what is such a pulpy over-the-top premise. The story beats and side characters and relationships really sell Wolfenstein's alt-history world, and make the gore splattering action and brutal knife kills that much more satisfying.
Nothing in The New Order was ever quite as satisfying as those dual-wielding auto-shotguns. All the weapons had a great sense of power, and the flying gore and limbs and crumbling bodies and debris made your shootouts feel intense and thrilling, but unleashing dual rapid-fire buckshot mayhem upon enemies never got old.
The pacing is the other really impressive aspect of New Order. How the game blends stealth elements, fierce action, slower moments and time to catch your breath, memorable narrative segments like your encounter with Engel on the train, and so on will never feeling like those aspects are tonally incongruous really makes the game special
I find it odd how Deathshead is portrayed as the main antagonist and Engel as a side one in the first, because she really had the most memorable moments in New Order. Deathshead just kind of appears at the beginning and end, but Engel gets a lot of moments throughout that really make you just despise her. She's probably in the game more than Deathshead is.
Currently about half way through The Old Blood and while the action is as good as ever, the pacing is a bit too stealth-focused in the beginning IMO. The pipe is a great addition though, feels even more brutal than the knife during those kills.
Now only 8 more days till this