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Lament of Innocence - Hell I lament I played this game.


Yes, the camera is weird.

Lots of backtracking, no teleports, and even worse no indication which way you are supposed to go. You may find a biforcation, fight all the way thru one long path, to realize it ends with a closed door... and the key is at the end of the other path. Go Go respawning enemyes, fighting back all the way, and going back again.

World is extremely broken up in indipendent rooms, which encourages to just run away from battles.
So as a bandaid solution they add rooms that shut you inside until you kill every last creature... yawn.
It really lacks a balance of fighting and dodging enemyes, in part also because the battle grounds don't offer any interesting design to add to the depth of the fights.

Combat wasn't too good either.
One problem is I found it too easy to avoid damage - hold down the guard button, or just run around randomly, and you are usually safe.
The best battle engines imo are those keeping you under pressure, where skill is required both for attacking and avoiding damage even in the short term (see Devil May Cry, or Jak II) - not those allowing defensive play.
Another problem, is that the different combos and special attacks were largely irrilevant. Use one of the other, the difference was mostly graphical, which made them boring faster.

Simplistic world design, professional but repetitive and not particularly ispired looks, frequent loading pauses, bare cutscenes, predictable plot, not many items, simplistic gameplay.

Good music but not particularly fitting with the action and looks.

It has its good points - enemy variety, fast action, good character design.... but that's it IIRC.

Not too satisfing. Had a Budget Game vibe. Towards the end, found kinda painful to play.
Having just recently played Viewful Joe, a good example of revitalizing the old 2d platform genre, I thought that maybe the Castlevania franchise needs to be killed off. Nice GBA games, but Konami seems unable to revitalize it with some good and fresh ideas. Recycled gothic looks can't hold a franchise appeals indefinitely.


I really like LoI and think it's a fantastic and fun action game. The battle system is what makes it so great and enjoyable to play. Otherwise, the cinematics are pretty weak and the camera is a LITTLE weird, but I still have a blast each and every time I control Leon and walk him into a room to smack around some demons and monsters. Plus, the fight with Death is one of the more fun boss battles I've had in recent memory.
I really like LoI and think it's a fantastic and fun action game. The battle system is what makes it so great and enjoyable to play. Otherwise, the cinematics are pretty weak and the camera is a LITTLE weird, but I still have a blast each and every time I control Leon and walk him into a room to smack around some demons and monsters. Plus, the fight with Death is one of the more fun boss battles I've had in recent memory.

*looks at username*



I love Castlevania, and I wanted to like this game too, but it was just boring. Half the fun in Castlevania games is the platforming aspect and when you take that away, you end up with a game that's, well, half as fun. I'm not at all opposed to a 3D Castlevania, I just want one that's done right. The Castlevania series is no more "3D proof" than the Mario or Zelda series, it's just that Konami hasn't been able to do it right yet like Nintendo did when they took their games into 3D.

evil ways

I liked the game a lot, my only complaint is one that has been addressed by other people before, the boring and repetitive level design and the way almost every room is the same.


Gas Guzzler
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
*looks at username*



I love Castlevania, and I wanted to like this game too, but it was just boring. Half the fun in Castlevania games is the platforming aspect and when you take that away, you end up with a game that's, well, half as fun. I'm not at all opposed to a 3D Castlevania, I just want one that's done right. The Castlevania series is no more "3D proof" than the Mario or Zelda series, it's just that Konami hasn't been able to do it right yet like Nintendo did when they took their games into 3D.


I would really love a new 2D Castlevania for consoles done in the style of Rondo of Blood or Super Castlevania 4, and not another SOTN collect and level up fest.


Well, with the choice between Lament of Innocence (a rather fun Castlevania 3D game IMO) for a console or no Castlevania game for any console at ALL...I'll go with LoI. It's not like they axed a 2D Castlevania for consoles to make room for LoI.
ITs probably worse than the N64 incarnations......mainly because seeing the same corridors over and over is well BORING.........


No teleportation? I call the tickets to the last save point and the item shop teleporting.

The bosses were fun and intense (I just looooooooove the gruesome dungeon boss), and the combat was fun to play around with. But overall LoI was pretty boring and leisurely (should have offered more platforming than it did) with average music.


Eric-GCA said:
The N64 Castlevania's are better.

in fact the N64 castlevanias are quite fun even with all their flaws. I like the 2D castlevanias better, but I think the N64 CVs are underrated.


Oh don't get me wrong, the N64 Castlevania's still don't come to the level of the better 2D ones. But in regards to actually "feeling" like a CV game, those on the N64 did a far better job than LoI.

Ranger X

No "i'm in a castle" feel, lack of exploration feel, no little rpg-like gameplay and stats. This Casltevania was a step back. The only thing that's good is the combat (and get repetitive quite fast) and the soundtrack that is actually incredibly good


Wyzdom said:
and the soundtrack that is actually incredibly good
Nah, compared to other CVs it was just average. No classic tunes to be found anywhere.

The sound quality (especially the DPLII) rocks though


I really enjoyed it despite its identical hub worlds.

Its one of those games where your constantly thinking "why did they do that?". I mean it couldnt be that hard to make some multi level platforming mixed in.

Oh and I loved the soundtrack, there just wasnt enough of it for the time spent backtracking in the same level.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I didn't think LoI was that bad. Fighting/Combo system was pretty good. Only things I didn't really like were the camera angles and maybe the game length. Music was pretty awesome too


Wyzdom said:
No "i'm in a castle" feel, lack of exploration feel, no little rpg-like gameplay and stats. This Casltevania was a step back.

That was the point. They can't all be little pseudo-RPG SOTN clones


castlevania must return to deep forests, graveyards, spooky villages and haunted mansions.

Yes I love Simons Quest!


Kiriku said:
There are teleports...just not formally. The hub system has essentially the same function as teleports in previous Castlevania games.

You are right... ok, I'll rephrase: not enough teleports :)
IIRC backtracking took longer in LoI than in other CV games, didn't it?

Tickets didn't help much to reduce backtracking either. Mostly a shortcut to the shop, and having to buy them didn't help.

I supported LoI when it was first announced, but it didn't turn out very good imo. Being a Castlevania fan myself doesn't make it magically better.

CV IV being my favorite, that's the style i'd like to see again if Konami can't get the 3d right.
I hope the series gets back on its feet, but regardless other games made nice replacements for it already.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'd love to see a redone, expanded-on version of Rondo of Blood... the best "traditional" Castlevania, IMO. Although SOTN is my favorite out of any of them.


I thought it was utterly mediocre. A year after release, it seems like more people are willing to admit it =)

They didn't have to make an SOTN-style game, they just needed to make it something other than a repetitive beat-em-up with virtually no platforming elements. A return to 2D would be pretty cool, if unlikely...


I actually don't like any of the recent Castlevania games. Even the modern 2D versions sucked. The last one I really liked was Super Castlevania.


I think the fitghting was done very well, showing that a castlevania could be done well in 3D(just need to make it harder to dodge attacks). MY proglem is the the castle is too small, there's not much to explore, and the rooms are too repetative.
Eric-GCA said:
Oh don't get me wrong, the N64 Castlevania's still don't come to the level of the better 2D ones. But in regards to actually "feeling" like a CV game, those on the N64 did a far better job than LoI.
I agree most wholeheartedly with this post.


It's not that LoI was bad, it was just completely unambitious, the epitome of mediocrity. Just "good enough" to not disgrace the Castlevania name.


Running off of Custom Firmware
One of the worst Castlevania games I've ever played. Man, if they could have merged this game's combat engine (minus the stupid room clearing rule) and framerate plus the N64 games' level designs and exploration elements, they would have had something special.

I've said it before. The PS2 game may have been a somewhat better action game, but the N64 titles were vastly superior Castlevania experiences.
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