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Lance Reddick, ("The Wire") ("Sylens" in Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West), has passed away.


Tears of Nintendo
Goddaaaaaamn... RIP, Lance, you were one of the best.

Who's going to play and voice Sylens now in 3rd Horizon game? Fuck sake, life is unfair.
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Aaron Olive

That's terrible.


One of my favorite actors on the Wire. I was really happy to see him get a chance in Destiny, Horizon and John Wick. Zvalla's Strike dialogues will forever be etched into my memory.
Yeah man this sucks man, his voice was instantly recognizable like Keith David and always brought charisma to everything Ive seen him in.

Im going to miss him.🪽🪽
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Damn RIP his voice is so good I always wished he would become an audiobook narrator. His acting had such incredible range, he had me on the edge of my seat with The Wire and then had me laughing my ass off with Resident Evil.
Loved the way he spoke too, guy is a legend. His voice can still be immortalised with AI so your wish can still come true.


Man this sucks. RIP.

Just couple of months ago I had a rerun of Fringe. Such a great actor.

Time to replay Quantum Break, and pay respect.

Mr Hyde

This is fucking terrible news. Out of nowhere it seems. He was such a great actor. Loved him in the Wire and he was the best and most memorable character in Horizon. He was a big part of what made those games so good. I don't see how Guerilla can continue the story now without Sylens. He stole every scene. Just awful. Fuck this shit.

Loved this guy in John Wick. He was also fantastic in Quantum Break. Damn shame that if there's ever a sequel, we now won't get to see him reprise his role as Martin Hatch.


Moderated wildly
This is resting on my mind the last couple of days. He looked so fit and healthy, you just wouldn't expect it. All the best to his family. He was doing such great work in games , game adaptations, shows that we love from the wire and beyond to actually playing the games he starred in and looking to be an all around cool dude.

R.I.P....to beyond the cosmodrome!


Apologies if this was already posted, but it seems they are able to dedicate the 4th John Wick film to him.

Wasn’t sure if this was possible given it’s so close to release and I wasn’t sure if they would they have time to edit anything by this point, but unless I’m misunderstanding what they meant, the credits should have a dedication to him.


While I have seen many Movies and Series with him as an actor, I will never forget him as Zavala, from the time when I nearly spend every free hour of my time in the Destiny Universe.
It's weird feeling sad about his death, because I obviously didn't knew him personally, so all my attachments are not to him personally, but to all the characters he portrayed that left an impact on me instead.


I remember him best from The Wire. His face did so much of the lifting. Lt. Daniels was such a deliberate character, and I struggle to think of anyone who could have carried the role better than him.


Gold Member
I’m drunk a watching Fringe for at least the 4th time. I al said loved this guy in the Wire and Fringe first. I hate that he’s gone.
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