One more recommendation from me before bed.
A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda reminds me a lot of the various Mega Man clones that came out at the height on the NES's popularity. Ya know, stuff like The Kiron Conquest and Darkwing Duck. It's not going to knock the king off of his throne, but if you dig the style, it's completely worth picking up. It's also very much an NES game in that you can beat it in one sitting. But the game has a lot of achievements and unlockables that give it a bit of replayability. Plus, there's a bonus item you can buy with tickets that basically gives you an extra in-game character (you can switch on the fly, but it's a new visual armor plus an exclusive weapon).
It's $4.99 for the duration of the sale. It runs nice at 1920x1080 60 frames per second and has excellent 360 controller integration.
I just ran through a game of it, thinking I'd just get the ticket achievement and call it a night, but I spent a few hours going through the whole game. And I'm pretty much thinking of going back to it tomorrow to try for some of the challenges or give it a hard mode run.