I had this rather odd dream that my parents and I were driving around in our neighborhood back home. We drove up onto the grass in our cul-de-sac and into the woods in the back, but somehow ended up in this unfamiliar place. My dad was driving, and we found we couldn't seem to find an exit, although we tried several times that resulted in his having to meticulously maneuver the car to avoid scratching it on sharp corners. Eventually we parked the car somewhere, and went exploring in some building. I don't remember all the details about what went on in the building, but apparently it was some really high-class and expensive restaurant. To get your car out, you had to get a napkin from inside and tie it on your car antenna, where they would then drive it out for you. I don't think we actually ate, but we just pretended to be rich people to trick them so we could get a napkin without buying any expensive stuff. They eventually caught on, but we were long gone.
Edit: Oh yeah, and after some time, I think that the dream took me back to this place, except that despite a similar layout, it was now some elementary school. I was part of some group of military school cadets or something, and for some inexplicable reason, we were marching through the school. I and somebody else were ordered to run laps inside the school, but eventually the other guy figured we weren't being watched, so he slacked off and sat down at a table while I kept running. The teacher burst in on him seconds later. After I was finished running, I stopped to admire all the quaint elementary school kids' artwork.