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Late to the party: Advance Wars 2.


Wow...had this for a while, but never got around to playing it until last night, when I was stuck on a plane missing the Red Sox game. Although I've never been much of a fan of strategy games, it totally rocks!

Since I'm an Advance Wars n00b, I have a couple of questions:

1) As a general principle, is it better to have multiple weaker units, or fewer more powerful units? I played a non-campaign battle against the computer and was losing for a long time since he kept making infantry to hold his bases, while I waited for funds to accumulate to build some medium tanks and neotanks. Once I had a couple of those, however, I slowly was able to wipe out the foot soldiers and "hold" the cities with the tanks until I was able to create infantry. However, on other maps, I can see where time is of the essence -- waiting too long to get resources or territory would be fatal. Any suggestions?

2) How often should you use your special powers? Is it best to use them frequently at lower levels to harass your opponent, or save up a superpower for when you need it most?

3) Is your winning strategy usually based around capturing the base, or wiping out all forces?

4) In your opinion, who is the best CO in the game?

Thanks...I can already tell this game is going to eat up my free time. ;)


I'm sure there are people here who are more expert than I am, as this game seems to draw the hardcore. But:

1. It depends on the map. For example, maps that have several land areas connected by bridges with no seaports tend to be wars of attrition, unless you can manage to build tanks that can bumrush the bridge and take both ends in the first few turns. The computer's AI is extremely good at creating covering fire--if you let it get its missile launchers in the right place so that they can cover bottlenecks on the map, it will make more launchers to cover those launchers, and still more launchers to cover all the others, and you will be screwed if you use weaker units, and screwed if you use stronger ones.

That said, I almost never build neotanks--too expensive for what they do. A good mix of foot soldiers, tanks, and heavy tanks does the job for me on most maps. (But my strategy comes from playing AW1 extensively before going to AW2, and AW1 has no neotanks.)

2. Depends on the context again, as well as the CO, but I tend to store up CO power. All the COs are pretty well-balanced in this regard, as far as I can tell--there are advantages to burning CO power early, as well as storing it up.

3. I end up capturing the base instead of eliminating all forces more than half the time.

4. Andy's my favorite CO, just because his skills are the most balanced.


Thanks for the info. Here's another (possibly related) question: Do you consider each unit to be relatively independent, or do you produce and manuver units as "squadrons?" One of the things that I've struggled with already is how to use troop transport helicopters and the APC to move infantry around...without losing the APC/T Copter in the process. I can see where including a protection package would make sense...but it would also take more time to create those units before deployment.


I personally don't use APCs and helicopter transports that much, and I never send them to the front. The only time I use helicopter transports is to move infantry from one land mass to another, and in those maps you usually get a seaport, so you can generate battleships that'll bomb hell out of an enemy beachhead long enough for you to drop your infantry onto it before the enemy can build another anti-air unit to take out your copter.

On land, transport vehicles are best used in the rear to shuttle infantry around, or to supply ammo on large maps with few cities. Use them to bring infantry up near the front, drop them off, and let the infantry walk the rest of the way, or send your tanks back from the front to the APCs stationed just out of range of enemy missile fire to replenish ammo. On maps with many cities, you can just send units back to the cities to replenish ammo (one turn) and repair themselves (20% repair per turn). (Another good strategy is to station missile launchers and anti-air units in cities, where they essentially have an infinite ammo supply.)

Enemy AI places its highest priority on transports, but there are instances (such as when you can use the transport to resupply the ammo of three nearby tanks in one turn) when it's economically viable to sacrifice a transport in order to refill the tanks. In most cases a brand-new transport can take two hits anyway, so that you can send it back to a city to get repaired, as long as it only spends one turn within the range of enemy fire.


-jinx- said:
1) As a general principle, is it better to have multiple weaker units, or fewer more powerful units?
I'm more of a fewer, more powerful units kind of guy, but that strategy is not for everyone. With some maps you want to keep the opponent busy with multiple units, others you want to wipe out all his infantry with an AA unit or tank early in the game. It depends on the map, and the CO.

-jinx- said:
2) How often should you use your special powers? Is it best to use them frequently at lower levels to harass your opponent, or save up a superpower for when you need it most?
Again, depends on the CO - with COs like Max and Jess, who get strength bonuses, using the regular CO power more often is sufficient. You should always wait for Eagle's super power, though. Other CO's with better super powers include Olaf, Sensei, and in the right circumstances, Colin.

-jinx- said:
3) Is your winning strategy usually based around capturing the base, or wiping out all forces?
I usually play and see what opens up, but it usually means wiping out their forces (or capturing their base while they only have a few units left).

-jinx- said:
4) In your opinion, who is the best CO in the game?
I like Lash, but that's just a personal preference. CO's like Grit and Eagle kick a lot of ass as well.
the overall best CO is probably Hawke. He has like 20% offensive and 20% defensive bonus on all units, as well as a killer CO power/Super power (damage all enemies 1 or 2 points and heal all of your units for 1 or 2 points, iirc)....I dont use him because of this.

Ford Prefect

I played the first game til the end, but could not beat the freaking end boss. Crap, that guy was tough...

How does the AW2 hold up to the first?


Ford Prefect said:
I played the first game til the end, but could not beat the freaking end boss. Crap, that guy was tough...

How does the AW2 hold up to the first?

Heh. I had the same experience. Stupid Sturm (sp?) :-( Oh well. I still bought AW2 as soon as it was released but I haven't even bothered to open and play it yet because I still feel as though I should defeat the final boss in AW1 first. Gah! :p


It's an easy fight against the CPU.

Much more enjoyable are human vs human fights... alot of square counting true... but it plays alot like chess... but better.
1 really depends on the map and CO, good advice given here already. Tho I tend to start with weaker units, to capture and raise funds then hold my ground a few turns. Once I have more funds I create a strong defensive force depending on what types of units the enemy has. (i.e. lots of anti air if they enemy has an air fleet etc.) Then advance, capture more bases, hold ground and build funds , advance and so on. As for moving fast, T-copters are your friend. But time is my weakest area in the rankings so dont listen to me :D Sami is good for those kinds of things, since she captures fast and has increased movement for some units.

2. It depends so much on CO. If I am in a critical situation I use them right away, if not I wait for the super. With Grit I will use them if the enemy has major power just outside my range. His power is extended range on indirect fire so if I can wipe out a lot of units I'll use it. When up against Lash, I wait until after she's used her prime tactics. If I am using Olaf vs. Lash, I use his blizzard as much as possible.

3. I usually destroy all enemy units. More satisfaction (IMHO) and I think you get a better ranking that way, but I'm not 100% positive. I seem to get S and A ranks but get dinged in the time points. If you do the campign you'll find there are a lot of missions that have varied objectives. Destroy the pipe etc. I tend to prefer them to the "capture HQ or destroy all units" missions tho.

4. I will often have a "squadron" tho I never really thought of it like that before. For example I'll have a rocket pod, surrounded by 4 infantries and will move them as such to protect the rocekt. That's really the only time I group units togeter and move them in a group, to protect the indirect fire units. I often use APCs as barriers as well. To me, APCs and infantry are practically disposable. If I capture a city/base with an infantry I feel I got my money's worth and will often use them to bait the enemy into the range of my rockets/missiles/artillery.

I'm undecided on my favorite CO. I love Grit, the indirect fire range can't be beat. It's great when the enemy parks one or two spaces outside of your missile range and you throw down with the super power. Extending your range and wiping them off the map. Added bonus: he has cool music. I love how every CO has theyre own theme!

Kanbei rocks as well, his units are just that much better. More powerful and stronger defense. So they cost more, quality not quantity I say ;)

Someone said Lash is their fav CO?!?!? I havent beaten AW2 yet, been as far as Green Earth but had to start over, now back at Blue Moon. Is Lash unlockable after beating the game? Skanky beyatch that she is I would love to use her in a multiplayer battle!

I was not a fan of strategy games, but AW1 made me a beliver and I started AW2 the next day ofter beating AW1. Damn, now I want to pull my GBA out under my desk.


Ford Prefect said:
I played the first game til the end, but could not beat the freaking end boss. Crap, that guy was tough...

How does the AW2 hold up to the first?

I found the missions in roughly the middle of the AW2 campaign to be as difficult as the end missions of AW1. It really is one of the most brutal strategy games I've ever played, excepting something like Chessmaster. (I still haven't beaten the final stage of AW2: I've been playing the zillions of other maps instead, when I do play.)
1) As a general principle, is it better to have multiple weaker units, or fewer more powerful units? I played a non-campaign battle against the computer and was losing for a long time since he kept making infantry to hold his bases, while I waited for funds to accumulate to build some medium tanks and neotanks. Once I had a couple of those, however, I slowly was able to wipe out the foot soldiers and "hold" the cities with the tanks until I was able to create infantry. However, on other maps, I can see where time is of the essence -- waiting too long to get resources or territory would be fatal. Any suggestions?

It depends on who your CO is, who the CO you're playing against is, what the map looks like, and what your opponent is doing. My general build strategy with Max on a non-campaign map is to build infantry and a transporter (helicopter if I can afford it) for the first couple of rounds. Send the transporter to the factory closest to your opponent that you think you can hold. In the meantime send all your other infantry units out to cities close to your HQ and have them capture their way to your opponent's HQ, factories first. After that, I build what I can based on what I'm up against and form my front line as quickly as possible. If the opponent is swarming the map with a bunch of infantry I'd build a bunch of tanks and a few anti-aircraft guns and sweep over him. If the opponent is building a lot of tanks I'll build mostly tanks and a medium tank or two. It's usually a lot more complicated than that, though.

2) How often should you use your special powers? Is it best to use them frequently at lower levels to harass your opponent, or save up a superpower for when you need it most?

Depends on the CO but in general I save it until I think it's going to be extremely useful. A lot of times I'll use it right as my opponents attack bar is full so I can wipe out as many of his forces before he attacks, have my forces at their peak strength when he attacks, and his attack bar isn't going to get any higher than full so you're not helping him any there, either.

3) Is your winning strategy usually based around capturing the base, or wiping out all forces?

I usually play as Max and I enjoy crushing my opponents so I almost always go for wiping out all forces but I'll take capturing the headquarters at the end if it will save me a few days.

4) In your opinion, who is the best CO in the game?

Hawke, but as someone already said, you feel cheap playing as him because he's so powerful.
I thought the final battle with Sturm (and the battle with Eagle afterward, if you got it) in Advance Wars was much harder than any level in AW2. Overall, I though AW2 was fairly easy. I S-Ranked the Advance campaign without that much trouble which is ridiculous.

It could be that I'm just a lot better but I doubt it.


I didn't read the entire post (just skimmed over it), but here goes:

"1) As a general principle, is it better to have multiple weaker units, or fewer more powerful units?"

In general, I'm going with "a few powerful units." One powerful unit can often totally wipe out a less-powerful unit with no damage to itself. A few less-powerful units can certainly take down another unit together, but they're likely to incur some damage on each go-around. Then, if your opponent comes along with a half-decent unit, they'll just totally take out your less-powerful units because 1.) they're obviously less powerful, and 2.) they've incurred damage, too.

That's just a general rule that I believe, though. It's certainly not true in every situation, obviously.

"2) How often should you use your special powers? Is it best to use them frequently at lower levels to harass your opponent, or save up a superpower for when you need it most?"

In light of the way the game works, I think nine times out of ten, it's better just use it frequently rather than saving your energy for a Level-2 power. I've found that if I wait, the opponent screws me over so badly between the Level 1 and Level 2 powers that when I finally DO get to a Level 2 power, the advantage that I might have had is erased. Again, this is a general rule, but I do think it applies more often than not.

"3) Is your winning strategy usually based around capturing the base, or wiping out all forces?"

I almost ALWAYS wipe out every other unit, even if it takes longer. There are a couple of maps in which it's so difficult that you'd be better off just taking over the headquarters, but generally, I wipe them out altogether. Part of that may be because I not only want to win but embarass their asses at the same time (depsite the fact, of course, that the opponent is often the computer).
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