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Late to the party, but i brought beer! Call of Duty!

Lil' Dice

I know, the game passé', but I'm compelled to express just how amazing this game is.
the first time i hopped in the jeep and hauled ass through enemy lines all the while shooting at random German soldiers
...well, i almost giggled like a little bitch.

The first few levels, especially the one in which you take out the German artillery positions made me feel like 1st-Lt. Winters in Band of Brothers, but black......

I tried playing it online, but the competition is too stiff, so I'll most likely stick to sp and later pick up the expansion pack.

Question, i heard the game was short and right now I'm at the
submarine level of the British campaign
, how much longer do i have to go?
I just don't want this game to end.....


It is an awesome game, I played through it only recently and glad I'm did. I'd say you're about 2/3ds of the way through. I think you're at the end of the British missions. Russian missions to go (which are arguably the best).

Plus there's always the expansion pack! :D
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