Team Rancid said:That montage song was brilliant. Great songs.
Americaaaa.... (softly) Fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaah
Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA.eXxy said:i didn't think the south park movie was that great, but team america had me rolling
Time seperates the diamonds from the coal.Willco said:I remember saying that Team America was not as good as South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, and nearly being exiled for it.
... Where has all the backlash come and where were you all when the movie came out?
IAWTP. Seriously Matt and Trey who are you to judge either?The hating on Hollywood celebs is getting a bit tiresome, and it's frankly stupid: what the hell can a Hollywood celeb or even Michael Moore actually do, politically, that a rich Fortune 500 CEO can't do a hundred times over more effectively?
Targeting Michael Moore is simply cheap -- it's just hair-trigger popular iconoclasty, with the added comedic convenience that comes from Moore bein' fuckin' fat. Mocking him is just a quick way to score points with the teenboys and the shitheel cryptofascist set. "People who complain in public should shut up" isn't a rallying cry for liberty in any form; rather, it's just preying on the fantasies of the brownshirt mindset. It's also utterly hypocritical, to boot.
Going after vocal but ultimately impotent celebrities just for having opinions is just facile. If Trey and Matt want to be more than libertarian posers, go after the aspect of our consumer-minded culture that fixes the cameras on 'em in the first place. Better yet, go after the cult of entrepreneurship that lets crooked CEOs and Wall Street mavens buy political favor with so little in the way of public condemnation.
South Park the Movie was funny and well-scored take on American hypocrisy. Team America was just a random collection of potshots marketed to the frat crowd. A few funny lyrics aside, it might as well just have been Something Awful the Puppet Musical.
radioheadrule83 said:And in any case, in spite of the portrayal of these actors, it's not like Team America is conveying any kind of message. It's way past border line retarded. And intentionally so.
Part of the reason it was successful for me was because it didn't take itself as seriously as some of the vocabulary used in this thread so far. It wasn't particularly good satire. It just took the World Police theme, which you could see as a representation of America perhaps, and they rampaged around the world combating terrorists, blowing up monuments and generally pissing people off. The rest is just deliberately bad use of the marionettes, elaborate models of cities being blown up, a pastiche of cheesy action movies & love stories, potty humor and an absolutely rediculous story line.
Drinky Crow said:The hating on Hollywood celebs is getting a bit tiresome, and it's frankly stupid: what the hell can a Hollywood celeb or even Michael Moore actually do, politically, that a rich Fortune 500 CEO can't do a hundred times over more effectively?
Targeting Michael Moore is simply cheap -- it's just hair-trigger popular iconoclasty, with the added comedic convenience that comes from Moore bein' fuckin' fat. Mocking him is just a quick way to score points with the teenboys and the shitheel cryptofascist set. "People who complain in public should shut up" isn't a rallying cry for liberty in any form; rather, it's just preying on the fantasies of the brownshirt mindset. It's also utterly hypocritical, to boot.
"I mean, he didnt explicitly say, Matt and Trey did this animation. But he made it look like it. And thats what he does in his movies. He uses two images together and creates meaning where there isnt none. " - Matt Stone
" And hes fat." - Trey Parker
He also thumbed down South Park movie, which he called "mean". He's not a fan of these kinds of comedies (while Siskel loved South Park when the show came out, those old tapes with 3 episodes on it were on his Video Pick of the Week once).Foreign Jackass said:I haven't even bothered paying to see that. It looked dumb as hell, and Roger Ebert panned it for the same exact reason Drinky Crow mentioned. I might rent it when there's no movie left for me to see, in 1300 years or so.
fart said:wait, so he asked matt and trey to animate something for him, then had someone else do it when they declined??? OH MY GOD, THE FAT NERVE OF THAT MOTHERFUCKER I'LL KILL HIMSELF MYSELF!!!!11111oneoneone
fart said:wait, so he asked matt and trey to animate something for him, then had someone else do it when they declined??? OH MY GOD, THE FAT NERVE OF THAT MOTHERFUCKER I'LL KILL HIMSELF MYSELF!!!!11111oneoneone
The point is that he had the animation intentionally done in such a way so everyone, including myself at the time, believed it was from Parker and Stone.fart said:wait, so he asked matt and trey to animate something for him, then had someone else do it when they declined??? OH MY GOD, THE FAT NERVE OF THAT MOTHERFUCKER I'LL KILL HIMSELF MYSELF!!!!11111oneoneone
That's pretty damn ignorant. You have no idea why they did that do you? You have acted out emotionaly and didn't do your homework. (Just like Mr.Moore) Let's go back a couple years to Michael Moore's "bowling for columbine" when coincidentally the two were a part of that movie. If you have seen the documnetary you would know that Matt Stone attended columbine and was interviewed and gave his two cents. Well later on in the movie you will now recall a part that consisted of a cartoon that surprisingly looked just like southpark characters. Originally, Michael Moore had asked Matt and Trey to create this scene, however, when they declined stating it would have been distastful, Michael had his men create characters as though Matt and Trey "created" this cartoon. This piece of shit, Michael Moore, carryed on as though they did create and never spoke that they didn't. Matt, Trey and Michael had one last conversation.. <you fill in the blanks>..... and well, the rest is history.
Now I think that's a great reason to blow his fat ass up. He deserved it.