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LCD TV recommendations?

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My sister is looking for an LCD TV for her bedroom with the following parameters:

* Cost: Strong preference for $2000 or less...perhaps $100-200 extra at the top end for the right model
* Size: 20"-26" (30" is probably too big)
* Aspect ratio: No preference between 4:3 and 16:9 (16:9 preferred if HD)
* SD/HD: HD capable would be a plus, but is not a requirement
* Picture quality: Very important

Any suggestions? She's thinking about getting a 23" widescreen HD-capable Sony, but I'd love some ideas from people who have LCD TVs, or have firsthand experience with them.



Hang out with Steve.
Man that is SO MUCH MONEY for such a small TV... Anything under 30" and I'd recommend getting a CRT. LCD's of that size are just way too expensive. She can get an excellent 27" TV, DVD player AND a nice TV armoire for less than $2K!


I agree...but in her case, she is severely space-limited. She has a 27" CRT at the moment, but has no room to put it into her bedroom. She's looking for something which will fit on a bookcase, or something similar.
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