I know this is going to sound insane, but every single time the opposing team has a support Lux, they win. Every damn time, without fail. Add a bronze Kalista, a Sion support who had absolutely zero clue how to play him in that role (or at all really going by his awful decisions). Game was done before I hit level six.
Any rate, just I was trying out jungle Renekton in that match and there's definitely something there worth exploring some more. His initial clear is slow and on the unsafe side of things, but once he gets a second rank in Q it's easy breezy. His fury stacks stay long enough that they're always around to help out his clear speed.
His ganks are quite strong even at level 3. The double dash on his E is absolutely money. Get in close, position correctly and dash through. They panic flash, then dash again, W stun, and voila, successful gank after that.
It's unfortunate that the whole first time experience was mared by a truly awful team.