I would just caution that reddit mains seem to almost always hate any changes to their champion.
Not like this IMO.
Like, when WW was changed I visited his reddit to get ideas on how to play him. It was pretty damn high on excitement. People were building him so many different kinda ways ... some full LS assassin, some full tank, some as a duelist and so on. I could never find a "best in slot" for him. Hell, I said fuck spending the gold on TF and would rush a BoRK every game I played him top vs a duelist.
The only stand out thing for new Eve I have found was .... being a tank buster Assassin. As in, she goes full MPen and kills tanks.
(And speaking of WW I find it strange that he has more Mobility than her ... an assassin)
I agree that her current Ult, as it stands in her kit, needs a MUCH lower CD.Eve is fine. Her kit has nothing number buffs can't fix besides the fact that she has no passive until 6 and even then I would never call her bad at the moment.
Give her some early dueling power and a significantly lower CD on ult and she's good to go. Runes rework will actually be a big deal with champions losing access to free MR so they really need to be careful not to overbuff her.
Things I think would make her current kit work better ...
Using W gives her Movement Speed. What I thought of with old Eve was Q, Stealth and running around the map like a crazy person with tons of MS. That last parts been taken by Talon now ... he basically runs around doing w/e he wants now and I feel he's damn good for it.
Increase E range. I feel she needs more mobility overall. Gap closer and MS alike.
The choice to stay still or teleport backward with ult.