Only been an hour. so you haven't seen anything. Come back after the first 3 bossescmon how many champions have fox ears....
an hour in i'm not feeling nier 2 so far, we'll see
Only been an hour. so you haven't seen anything. Come back after the first 3 bosses
You're a weird personidk i was in love with nier 1 in the first 5 minutes
idk i feel like the starting scene is really effective and then it does like an insane time skip and you're like hey here's these characters again in the future past or something and shit what's up with thatYou're a weird person
Nier 1 was the type of game that didn't show it's true colors until you got past the bloody fishing.
.When you finally get to play Yasuo and you carry. Feels good after a losing streak and demotion.
When you finally get to play Yasuo and you carry
When you finally get to play Yasuo
play Yasuo
i'm notoriously slow at games so maybe i got like 15 more left or somethingGame's like 12 hours long so if you're not into it by now you're not getting into it ever
When you finally get to play Yasuo and you carry. Feels good after a losing streak and demotion.
that's why you're diamond and i'm goldI thought I wouldn't get to play this game since the enemy jungler was better than our jungler.
Turns out wrecking his gank attempts bot a couple of times in a row let us play the game.
that's why you're diamond and i'm gold
i can't for the life of me find the skill to salvage those games
i've gone soft lol
yea well i think i'm in a stronger position to make a difference since i play midIt's not easy though, it all comes down to whether they make enough mistakes and if you manage to exploit their mistakes. This game it came down to getting vision in the places Lee would stand to wait for a gank opportunity so we could be prepared and kill him once he made an entrance.
If Lee spent more time on the other side of the map and ignored bot it might've ended much much worse.
yea well i think i'm in a stronger position to make a difference since i play mid
i just suck nowadays
it's what i get for being a leblanc onetrick lol
wait Talents and Hydro play XIV?
on what server?
idk i feel like the starting scene is really effective and then it does like an insane time skip and you're like hey here's these characters again in the future past or something and shit what's up with that
there's mystery from the very start and it was bit by bit doing weird shit and introducing weird characters and communities so the game was really compelling for me
new one feels like it's just checking all the boxes, but i don't feel any character motivation or any character, period. 2b gives me like a lighting vibe and 9s is cool but he can't carry the game on his own, and all i've gotten out of it so far is been there seen that
hopefully it'll get better, so far (about 5-6 hours in) it's been very meh
Did you play the prologue
Cause I think the game opens after the prologue demo
last i've done was visitingthe robot town after the amusement park
it's not terrible by any means but nothing i've seen has gotten a strong emotion out of me
I am honestly thinking about making ivern my main jungled over sej. Since all he does is support.
I am honestly thinking about making ivern my main jungled over sej. Since all he does is support.Well, Ivern is still a pretty bullshit champ Leezard. Even from behind he does a lot, and from ahead he's just a nightmare.
Funny how much this Ivern did this game.
wait Talents and Hydro play XIV?
on what server?
How did it take you 6 hours to get there lollast i've done was visitingthe robot town after the amusement park
it's not terrible by any means but nothing i've seen has gotten a strong emotion out of me
It isCame back to playing rift games after aram only for like a month and I guess I should just play ranked because the matchmaking on normals is fucked up. I guess your normal mmr is separate from ranked? one is called revenge for syndra but idk why, i don't even recognize like 80% of these characters lol[/QUOTE]
Well 2 of them are Zed shadows, so... my guess:
Morgana, Master Yi (note the braid, I think it is his beard- there's a small chance it is a warring kingdoms Jarvan with some unorthodox stylistic choices), Tristana, Zed shadow, Thresh, Zed getting flayed by Thresh, Zed shadow, Rengar, Ryze.
And then the top ones are Draven (?) and Maokai. Not sure what's up with Draven's arm.
BTW did Riot Figures have some sort of content like skins or a icon if you buy them? I wanted to buy the Leona figure
yeah that would be coolThe first one is pretty cool, Riot should do an annual event of the shadow islands invading certain faction.
weirdplayed Nier Automata for like 18 hours over Friday and Saturday and it might be one of the best games I've played so idk
when riot stops being dumb so probably neverleague nendos when
been throwing my money at valve when i could be throwing it at riot
yeah i'm very slow at games, not only i'm like typical rpg player that wants to talk to every npc, get every item and read every codex entry, but i also spend a lot of time looking at environments and details and trying to think about game systems and all that dumb wannabe game designer stuffHow did it take you 6 hours to get there lol
would be nice, but noBTW did Riot Figures have some sort of content like skins or a icon if you buy them? I wanted to buy the Leona figure
would be nice, but no
probably not a unique icon per skin but maybe an icon per skin line?
i don't like exclusive bullshit so i'd sell it on the store but that's probably not gonna happen
in ur case, just buy the toys if u like the toys
i just want better figures
not this
ehh i wouldn't go that farEven these knockoff custom Nendoroids look better than that.