Enemy team picks Pantheon, Rengar, and Karthus. My ADC picks Jinx, rest of the team goes squishy too...what to do, what to do...
Pick Taric, that's what. Easy game, easy life. That poor, poor pantheon. Twice he tried to ult in and twice I waited to pop my ult just for him. Neither ever got close to picking off our squishies. Denied a pair of Karthus ult kills with my ultimate as well, and at least another three with Locket.
I think Rework Galio can be played as a peel support, particularly against dive teams.
Also Costy, his tooltip still has the armor scaling ratio.
The kit is there for supporting.
My concern is how strong he'll be top. If he's too strong in that position, pretty much any nerf he receives will end up hurting support Galio as well. Sort of like how Nautilus' nerfs over the past year+ have been directed at top, but it affected his support as well.
Ah who am I kidding. That kit is overloaded as hell. It'll take many rounds to tone him down to the point he can't support anymore. Funny you mention he feels like Poppy, 'cause he's the new Poppy.