Usually I do 3 drafts, then play pool for a bit, then get a shot or two of Tequilla, then try to play pool, then usually one more beer, if I do more then that, I usually force myself to puke because I start bugging out.
When I posted this I had drunk one bud light (yekk) because my roommate offered me one. I almost never drink, and after having that one I was already buzzed.
Since I don't drink beer, I have to go by the number of Long Island Iced Teas it takes to get me buzzing. Two of them in 40 to 60 minutes leave me feeling pretty good, but not quite drunk. A third would almost assuredly do me in.
There's nothing wrong with being a lightweight... but just don't ever become a "six-packer." In other words, if you're invited to a party, don't show up with a six pack, even if that's all you intend to drink.