Unlocked the Sujimon mini-game last night, gotta catch 'em all! This alone should add about 10 hours to my overall playtime lol. Still, there isn't anything yet that I'd put on the level of the cabaret club in 0, that was god-tier, let's see what else the game throws at me.
As a long time fan of the series I'm surprised to find myself slowly coming around to preferring Ichiban as a protagonist. My boy Kaz is legendary character who will always have a special place in my heart but there is something about Ichi's unbridled optimism and hope against all odds that resonates with me. Plus he's hilarious as fuck
I tried the English VO for about 5 minutes and nope, we ain't on that. Japanese voice is the only way to play this series and I think there was a big, missed opportunity to play upon the language aspect more. Indeed, the game explicitly starts with this concept when Ichi arrives in Hawaii with him looking specifically for a cab driver that speaks Japanese complete with a card to determine their Japanese ability. We go from that to having a conversation with a white cop speaking in perfect Japanese (with no accent!) culminating in the cop telling his cronies *in English*: "let's teach these tourists a lesson". Well, OK lol
I appreciate the design challenges this may have presented but there are myriad ways around it. As one example we're always meeting inventors throughout the Yakuza series (in fact, we meet one in this game very early on!) who supply us with various gadgets etc. They could have had some wily Japanese inventor give Ichi some futuristic translation device so when he speaks in Japanese native English speakers hear English and vice versa, could have made for an amusing side story too!
Anyway, loving the game overall. Fantastic narrative as always, mini-games galore, plenty of laugh out loud moments I've come to expect, can't wait to get back to it