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Lil Kim and her friend, Plastic Surgery

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New pics of Lil' Kim:



Woah, what happened to her? Geez.

Asides from Kim, I love the color. Looks like David La Chappelle did the shoot.


Well, her body looks proportional in these pics, very toned and shapely, whereas normally she's look like she'd have no hips and stunted leg growth. The collagen injections have gone a little too far, and while the hair color is cool, it looks rather Ru-paul-ish in that first pic.

The second one reminds me of a badly designed video game vixen with masculine facial features and a voluptuously doctored super heroine body-type.

Xenon 2005!


Yea, that was another thing I was thinking about. I thought about posting reference pictures... but I think on the old forum you could get banned for something like that. =P


kevm3 said:
I guess she really wants to look like a white woman...

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Wasn't Jennifer Lopez going through something like this when she started getting big? (Skin started getting lighter in photo shoots either through photoshop or chemicals, ass reduction, hair always blonde...)


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
i was in 6Flags in San Fran at the weekend and im there qeueing for one of the rollercoaster rides and i look and i swear to god one the ladies in the queue looked exactly like the awful plasticd surgery pics if little kim, she had fat bad lips and really bad eyebrows lik little kim and checkbone structure looked like her too. Freaky i was thinking as i was leaving.
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