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Lil Kim Is Sexy ... According To EA


Lil' Kim is the quintessential bad girl, and the very embodiment of the word sex as it applies to the female form. Famous for her risqué outfits and in-your-face attitude, she was a perfect addition to the game.

The first thing I noticed about Kim is that she is really tiny. Smaller than I thought, like a perfectly proportioned miniature person. The other thing is that she's freaking gorgeous in person. When she first came in she was wearing no makeup whatsoever, and just sweats. On top of that, she was completely down to

This is indeed a disturbing universe.
Another choice bit

So we sat around talking music and video games, eating catered food. It was cool, just chilling out as a group while we waited for her makeup and hair to arrive.

Considering who he's talking about, I'm going to take that literally.




Most importantly to me, Tupac says Lil Kim don't fuck around with real G's. So she just isn't good enough for DJV2.

Doth Togo

This game is being marketed to the urban gangstaz who believe in bling above baby Jesus.

We will watch this game come and go in a matter of months.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Doth Togo said:
This game is being marketed to the urban gangstaz who believe in bling above baby Jesus.

We will watch this game come and go in a matter of months.

Yes because the first one certainly did... oh wait.... how is that any different than most wrestling games released in the US? Oh wait there is a difference.... it sells.... it and the Smackdown series are the only big selling wrestling titles... whether you like em or not.
This could be the first time where no one actually complains about the character model not looking like the person it was modeled after.
I like Lil' Kim, but let's be honest. She stopped being famous for her risqué outfits when she started appearing in Old Navy commericals. Maybe her unlockable costume could be a pair of draw-string cargo parts.

Ranger X

I don't know what game they are talking about. There's going to be a wrestling game with Lil Kim as a character in it?? the fuck zthat game? Celebrities Deathmatch or something?
Jumpman Jr. said:
I like Lil' Kim, but let's be honest. She stopped being famous for her risqué outfits when she started appearing in Old Navy commericals. Maybe her unlockable costume could be a pair of draw-string cargo parts.

Um ... what?
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