Nabbed one on the second batch. I literally watched the stock drop in minutes. Crazy.
This is such bullshit!
Wow, sold out in under 3 minutes. So much for the Steam/GOG freebies affecting sales, lol. This makes me not regret my purchase anymore - there has to be something to the game if it sells out this quickly.
Well that is unfortunate, this is the first LRG release I wanted to have, that I actually missed. If anyone got a spare copy, I would be interested, otherwise I'll have to pay some scalper a premium :/
I have to admit, after the last couple releases I didn't expect it to sell out *that* fast.
Well that is unfortunate, this is the first LRG release I wanted to have, that I actually missed. If anyone got a spare copy, I would be interested, otherwise I'll have to pay some scalper a premium :/
I have to admit, after the last couple releases I didn't expect it to sell out *that* fast.
Please reconsider buying from a scalper. I've missed some LRG releases I really wanted but absolutely straight-up refuse to support scalpers, ever. (Doug actually gave me one of them at AnimeExpo, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and I was so super chuffed -- thanks again, Doug!)
For reasons of preservation and developer support, I believe IndieBox still has stock of their PC SE available to subscribers, so go grab that![]()
Does it matter? I mean, if he or she missed it and wants the game, why would they refrain from buying it? Scalpers will always exist and LRG is doing their job with keeping it to a minimum, I don't see why anyone would refrain from buying something that'd bring them joy just to "not support scalpers".
Resellers are necessary unless we don't want there to be an aftermarket for LRG titles at all. If there are no resellers then you cannot get these games physically in any way after they sell out from LRG. They would be available on one day and after that they will only exist in the homes of the collectors that bought them.
Nothing wrong with resellers, it only sucks when there is limited supply and not even everyone who was there can get a copy. Feels like that is a rare happening these days at least thankfully.
Yes, it sucks that sometimes prices are driven up very high but it's better than there being no aftermarket at all.
I've resold a couple of games after regretting buying both the Vita and PS4 version of the games and I charged market prices and won't feel bad about it. That's just how it works. It wasn't very profitable though to be completely honest but I got my money back and some change.
Andddddd tweet deleted. 38 meta...woof lol
Andddddd tweet deleted. 38 meta...woof lol
Apparently Jotun went free on Steam today too? Kind of umm interesting timing...
Does it matter? I mean, if he or she missed it and wants the game, why would they refrain from buying it? Scalpers will always exist and LRG is doing their job with keeping it to a minimum, I don't see why anyone would refrain from buying something that'd bring them joy just to "not support scalpers".
Plus you can find games from time to time in the 35-40$ range. All resellers are not tripling the price.
Yeah it sucks missing games but I wouldn't have such an inflexible stance regarding scalpers.
Also, the fact that Jotun flied off the shelved when the previous week Rive didn't, seems to indicate the bulk of the sales aren't from a stable mass of resellers. Maybe Jotun simply has a bigger fanbase / following ?
(You could argue Rive was a $30 game but I don't think it's enough to deter a scalper)
Andddddd tweet deleted. 38 meta...woof lol
You can, but just like any boutique physical edition, it depends on the popularity/quality of the game. Some LRG and IndieBox titles go for $150 or more, and that's only going to accrue for savvy longtailers who wait a year from release
Yeah, i'll make sure to check more closely next time regarding account balanceOh jeez, that sucks. I missed not one, not two, but three separate LRG releases for this exact reason (at the time I was paying with my PayPal balance). It was major suckage as they were all Vita games I had no other way to play on my main PSN account period, so it taught me a lesson: Make double then triple sure your transaction is going to go through immediately when it comes to LRG! (And in my case, always give yourself a second chance with the afternoon batch by setting an alarm to wake up in the morning.)
So apparently the Vita version of Dariusburst doesn't have all the patches on the cart?
I thought they always did this kinda thing? I mean, I understand why the DLC couldn't be on this particular cart, but not the patches...?
what was the voting for on the tweet?
So apparently the Vita version of Dariusburst doesn't have all the patches on the cart?
I thought they always did this kinda thing? I mean, I understand why the DLC couldn't be on this particular cart, but not the patches...?
Yay or Nay for a game called Dying: Reborn. The game has a 38 on MC, so the number of people voting no was rather high.
Well, that's disappointing. If they make a new SKU for the physical release, why not include the patches or am I missing something? How big are the patches?
Yeah, this strange for Darius Burst Vita. The patch is 515 mb on the NA servers.
Resellers are necessary unless we don't want there to be an aftermarket for LRG titles at all. If there are no resellers then you cannot get these games physically in any way after they sell out from LRG. They would be available on one day and after that they will only exist in the homes of the collectors that bought them.
Nothing wrong with resellers, it only sucks when there is limited supply and not even everyone who was there can get a copy. Feels like that is a rare happening these days at least thankfully.
Yes, it sucks that sometimes prices are driven up very high but it's better than there being no aftermarket at all.
I've resold a couple of games after regretting buying both the Vita and PS4 version of the games and I charged market prices and won't feel bad about it. That's just how it works. It wasn't very profitable though to be completely honest but I got my money back and some change.
Yeah, this strange for Darius Burst Vita. The patch is 515 mb on the NA servers.
LRG replied to my question about the DB patch:
TL;DR: creating a new build for the cartridge with the 1.11 patch would have made the DLC incompatible.
According to their Twitter account, all orders for Furi and Darius Vita have been completely shipped. Tracking details might take a moment to update, but I know my order went from "info received by UPS" to "data not yet available / try again later" over the past week. Guessing this run could be an instance of where it'll just show up unexpectedly? Initial e-mails through USPS had a glitch which claimed delivery attempts were made despite the packages having never left the facility so I have no idea whether to trust my tracking number.I still havent gotten any shipping for Dariusburst CS Vita.
So apparently the Vita version of Dariusburst doesn't have all the patches on the cart?
I thought they always did this kinda thing? I mean, I understand why the DLC couldn't be on this particular cart, but not the patches...?
i was surprised by this too since i thought the whole point of LRG was to preserve games not to have to have the possibility of having a faulty game in the future once the servers go down
I thought that was the main/original point of waiting so long. Are we at the point of just slinging anything on disk and cart now?
Devil's advocate would argue the patch might just fix something that would've impacted an insignificant amount of users. Last summer, Shadow Complex: Remastered got one to address a problem that involved the main menu becoming inoperable if the controller was dis-and-reconnected. On the other hand, I think Mighty Rabbit's own release of Breach & Clear: Deadline had a problem that impacted trophy acquirement that was overlooked despite the publisher being notified of the issue prior to the physical pressing. In the end, I'd much rather have a delayed release with a solid sheet of fixes already built into the game over something that's rushed to appease release date hype with plenty of holes forever existing on some retail format. I really respect the developers of Cosmic Star Heroine for opting for the same philosophy.Jesus. So they just sold an incomplete game. Basically against the whole idea of preservation. I was already on the fence about getting this one, because of the price tag and no DLCs included and I got why it is so expensive and the DLCs are missing. It annoys me, but ok. But this is just too much. I think I will sell my copy. It's not worth it - atleast for me!
Baffling that this wasn't mentioned before.
Well, they didn't promise a complete Vita release this time around, did they?
According to their Twitter account, all orders for Furi and Darius Vita have been completely shipped. Tracking details might take a moment to update, but I know my order went from "info received by UPS" to "data not yet available / try again later" over the past week. Guessing this run could be an instance of where it'll just show up unexpectedly? Initial e-mails through USPS had a glitch which claimed delivery attempts were made despite the packages having never left the facility so I have no idea whether to trust my tracking number.
LRG replied to my question about the DB patch:
TL;DR: creating a new build for the cartridge with the 1.11 patch would have made the DLC incompatible.
This notion of Dariusburst being an "incomplete game" is silly.
Nicely put. You do more right than not. This is a non-issue to me and I doubt I'm alone. I only care about patches if a game is broken without them. That isn't the case here. Of all the things to bitch about, this seems pretty petty.
It's supposedly a 500Mb patch for a game that fits on a 1Gb cartridge. Unless that patch isn't really a patch, but basically only contains DLC, you would think something isn't right with the digital release.
Can you play the game without it? Then it isn't necessary. I get that you like to argue semantics, but there's not much to be gained here. If you don't have the room for the patch, skip it. The game still plays fine.