Guess I'll be grabing CSH for my Playstaion TV instead of XB1 now. It will be PSTV compatible right?
I asked them about Gravity Rush PS4 in the US and they said they'd love to. I tagged Yosp, Boyes, and Gio for good measure.
Honestly, as much as I'd love to, I can't see these guys working with big publishers anytime soon. Sony, Sega, Nintendo, they're all companies that could well afford physical prints without any worries, but they won't do it because the projections just don't add up to them. They have the money and they could do it if they wanted to, which is the opposite of what Limited Run Games is trying to accomplish - providing physical copies for games and developers that couldn't take the hit otherwise.
That said, there is also the fact that someone big like them needing to "rely" on a smaller company like Limited Run Games. That doesn't look good in the public eye, specially for investors and such. They'll rather do it themselves or not do it at all, which is what we've seen throughout all these years.
Eh, this isn't always true. NoA has licensed titles to Xseed before with The Last Story and Pandora's Tower. Sony has given titles like Demon's Souls to Atlus... just because something is published by a first party company in one region, doesn't mean that it will always be published by one in another. These things don't happen too often, but there is precedent. The smaller and more niche the title, the bigger the likelihood of this happening. The real challenge would be getting the connections in place that get you the opportunity to publish physical copies of a game in the first place, I think.
Because they passed it altogether. They weren't going to publish those titles, which lead to other publishers picking them up. SCEA did decide to publish Gravity Rush Remastered, it just can't be bothered to do a retail print for it. When there is an option available, because the consoles are region-free, the point becomes rather moot as well.
Guess I'll be grabing CSH for my Playstaion TV instead of XB1 now. It will be PSTV compatible right?
I asked them about Gravity Rush PS4 in the US and they said they'd love to. I tagged Yosp, Boyes, and Gio for good measure.
It's really sad this has to be done with a 1st party game.
This is fair, the situation here is somewhat different. Even so, things like these are worth an attempt, however small the chances are. In Gravity Rush's case, I don't see much point given that the English version will be getting physical copies in Europe and Asia, but if the demand's there, they might as well try.
It's really sad this has to be done with a 1st party game.
Pretty sure bundling a physical copy & a digital copy together isn't an option. Sony made an exception for Gaijinworks since they're doing PSP releases and a digital copy is the only way you could play a PSP game on the Vita, but that reasoning isn't going to fly with a Vita or PS4 game.
Possibly dumb questions: if I bought a physical Vita copy and a digital copy on psn, would cross save work?
Is CSH also going to be a 1500 cart press run?
This is so sad haha
But I guess they already have contacts at Sony so asking wouldn't hurt![]()
In for this
I'm assuming there's no way to make the physical version Cross-Buy? No Vita/PS4 voucher inside?
I'll see what I can do to make sure that will work.
It'll be more than that but still fairly limited.
Guess I'll be grabing CSH for my Playstaion TV instead of XB1 now. It will be PSTV compatible right?
Sony charges publishers quite a bit for digital codes and it would make the $24.99 price point unfeasible. The digital codes are likely one of the main reasons Gaijinworks' releases are as expensive as they are.
Sony charges publishers quite a bit for digital codes and it would make the $24.99 price point unfeasible. The digital codes are likely one of the main reasons Gaijinworks' releases are as expensive as they are.
For those wondering, the extent of what I will do is literally send an email to my account manager asking if there is anything we could do to make it a reality. The likely answer is no, but it doesn't hurt to try.
Really we all just need to get very loud and convince Sony to do it themselves. My guess would be they just don't want to deal with retail and its associated expenses. They need to be convinced that it is worth it.
I see in "Add ons" on your site you are selling protective cases.
What are these if you dont mind me asking?
Got a picture of it up on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LimitedRunGames/status/659111279341252608
Screw protective cases, I'm opening and playing my copy
You've thrown a spanner in the works with your announcements though. I desperately want Cosmic Star Heroine and I'm pretty damn excited about Breach and Clear. Not so fussed about Saturday Morning RPG though. Yet I feel like I should try and collect the whole set. Now I don't know what to do.
Damn, I forgot about Project Scissors, that'd be nice. It's certainly more sensible than this Gravity Rush talk.I would love to see physical Vita for Project Scissors: Nightcry. I am getting the physical collectors edition from the kickstarter, but that's only the PC version.
I'm not. Like with RCR DX, I'll probably wait until the digital version goes on sale and buy it for $5 or less and play that one instead.
Damn, I forgot about Project Scissors, that'd be nice. It's certainly more sensible than this Gravity Rush talk.
I'm already fully on board, but thinking just generally, the idea of low print physical releases of digital games feels like such a better and more market friendly counterpoint to the idea of a new retro system like the Retro VGS.
That's a pretty difficult proposition for Breach & Clear though, seeing as it's not on the EU PSN and may never be (I think I remember reading that recently?)
Man you guys have thought of everything. Very impressive
Only Breach & Clear is going on sale tomorrow, correct?
SMRPG sales will open next month and Cosmic Star Heroine is up in the air until Zeboyd locks down a release date. Preorders on that would go live a week or two before their announced date.
I would love to see physical Vita for Project Scissors: Nightcry. I am getting the physical collectors edition from the kickstarter, but that's only the PC version.
This is a fantastic idea! Similar to the 'Gamer's Edition' program, just less extravagant which I think is the better route. Hope to see BIT TRIP Presents Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien and maybe even a Western physical release of Hotline Miami 1 + 2 which only Japan got for some reason.
This thread has really been a proving grounds of sorts. I'm happy that the warm reception Limited Run Games proves that a lot of people here are very enthusiastic about buying physical copies of digital-only indie games.
So to compare that to the overwhelming negativity to the Retro VGS campaign, it wasn't because physical copies are absurd it's clearly because the Retro VGS' approach to the problem was absurd.
Sure the Limited Run Games business model requires that you own a Sony system (which many here already own), but if they were trying to require that you buy their own console for $350 I don't think they would be so well received here.