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Lincoln Park Zoo Apes Get to Take Revenge (against humans)

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Junior Member
By LISA SCHENCKER, Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO - The apes at Lincoln Park Zoo are finally getting a chance to take their revenge on people who for years have been pounding their palms against the glass walls of the primates' old home.

At the zoo's new Regenstein Center for African Apes, chimpanzees can touch a panel hidden from public view that will shoot harmless bursts of air at unsuspecting visitors.

"You often hear about chimps spitting or throwing," said Steve Ross, a behaviorist at the zoo. "They do that to get a rise out of the public. This gives them that opportunity but in a safe way."

I can't wait for that new ape section to open. I was there a few weeks ago and it was looking great. There's a whole huge out door area for them and the building looks pretty impressive. Definitely going to check it out.
On a related note, that reminds me of a news story a local TV station in Baltimore was running last week. It seems there was this young male ape in some zoo who was uninterested in mating. In an effort to get him to impregnate the females, the zoo was showing him videos of other apes mating. So my local news show used the teaser, "Coming up next! PRIMATE PORN!!!"

I guess it didn't occur to them that humans are primates too, and thus every XXX movie ever made was "primate porn."


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crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal
fear is how I fall
confusing what is real
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