Been on it since Beta 1 when I always jump in. I try and get some hands on time with the OS before I write my |OT| for the new release.
Waiting for stable~
Although I dunno if I want to upgrade normal Ubuntu and Gnome Shell or just switch to a fresh install of the Gnome Remix.
I meant the GNOME remix specifically.
You can upgrade to 12.10 and then install the ubuntu-gnome-desktop package to switch to the GNOME remix.
Oh cool.
12.10 is out in a few days right?
You can already grab the 2nd Alpha that's a few weeks old...
"You can already grab the... alpha..."
Yeah... I don't do alpha software.![]()
My first Android phone came preinstalled with ICS. :O
Interesting. I stand corrected!
PS: Man this is the best I've felt in weeks!
I know it's a few weeks old now (and yes there is wine), but it's crazy to be playing a game like Torchlight natively on Linux. Plus Runic's pumped out a few updated builds, and the game runs fairly well for me too!
Is anyone familiar with why Lennart Poettering is hated in some circles? Is it only because of him pushing Pulseaudio and Systemd, and if so, what about these systems is so bad that it inspires all this? I mean Pulseaudio broke my audio a bit in the beginning but seems fine now, is there more to it than that? What are the reasons for distributions picking the systems up even with these disadvantages? I know too little of low level systems to understand all this.
Edit: Removed a stupid, leading question...
Is anyone familiar with why Lennart Poettering is hated in some circles? Is it only because of him pushing Pulseaudio and Systemd, and if so, what about these systems is so bad that it inspires all this? I mean Pulseaudio broke my audio a bit in the beginning but seems fine now, is there more to it than that? What are the reasons for distributions picking the systems up even with these disadvantages? I know too little of low level systems to understand all this.
Edit: Removed a stupid, leading question...
Doug McIlroy said:This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.
Thanks, this is one argument that I've heard (and seen counterarguments to, but that's another story).I think it was mostly that. Wasn't "the beginning" like a couple of years or so, though? Probably should have pushed it later than they actually did...
As for systemd, I think people tend to not like it because it replaced a mostly text interface with a binary ones (?) And part of the UNIX ethos is that text is the universal interface.
From the Unix philosphy wikipedia page:
Man my Gnome 3.4/Ubuntu setup was crashing/freezing hard a few minutes ago. First time in the two months since I got this laptop. On hard reboot, I got a brief "can't connect to hard drive" message in Ubuntu, but then the login screen came up.
Gotta admit, it's got me pretty rattled... don't know what could have caused it.
How do I shot backups?
I think it was mostly that. Wasn't "the beginning" like a couple of years or so, though? Probably should have pushed it later than they actually did...
As for systemd, I think people tend to not like it because it replaced a mostly text interface with a binary ones (?) And part of the UNIX ethos is that text is the universal interface.
From the Unix philosphy wikipedia page:
# general config
. /etc/rc.conf
. /etc/rc.d/functions
getPID() {
echo $(pgrep -u mysql mysqld 2>/dev/null);
case "$1" in
stat_busy "Starting MySQL Server"
[ ! -d /run/mysqld ] && install -d -g mysql -o mysql /run/mysqld &>/dev/null
if [ -z "$(getPID)" ]; then
/usr/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &>/dev/null &
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
exit 1
while [ $timeo -gt 0 ]; do
response=`/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uUNKNOWN_USER ping 2>&1` && break
echo "$response" | grep -q "mysqld is alive" && break
sleep 1
let timeo=${timeo}-1
if [ $timeo -eq 0 ]; then
exit 1
echo $(getPID) > /run/mysqld/
add_daemon mysqld
exit 1
stat_busy "Stopping MySQL Server"
if [ ! -z "$(getPID)" ]; then
kill $(getPID) &> /dev/null
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
exit 1
while [ ! -z "$(getPID)" -a $timeo -gt 0 ]; do
sleep 1
let timeo=${timeo}-1
if [ -z "$(getPID)" ]; then
rm -f /run/mysqld/ &>/dev/null
rm_daemon mysqld
exit 1
exit 1
$0 stop
$0 start
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 0
Description=MySQL Server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mysqld --user=mysql
It uses binary log files. As for me I prefer shell scripts to systemd's service files.No binary interface, systemd uses simple and readable text files.
It uses binary log files. As for me I prefer shell scripts to systemd's service files.
lol I remember I was SO against pulseaudio when it started to become popular. I used OSS4 back then instead, and had tried pulse on an Ubuntu install and hated it. But then Gnome 3 came out and for some reason it depends on pulseaudio. So I had to remove OSS4 and install pulseaudio instead. I was furious at first haha. But by that point, pulse had actually become rather good and it had a couple of features that I really liked so I learned to like it. For example being able to easily switch between different sound cards was not so easy to do with plain ALSA or OSS4 without rebooting or restarting the sound system, but with pulseaudio it even switches automatically to my USB DAC when I simply plug it in. And if I turn it off it switches to my laptop's internal sound card again. It even does this while the DAC or sound card is in use. Sounds like a simple enough feature, but this was really not easy at all with ALSA or OSS. And of course it has the mixer to play sound from multiple sources at once (though OSS4 has that too). So in the end it turned out ok and it made audio on Linux much easier for the average user.
There was one feature which I really liked which let you basically use a soundcard in a remote computer on the LAN, on your local computer. So I could use my server's Soundblaster Audigy 2 on my netbook for example. It was really neat, but some time ago it stopped working and I stopped using it. Now I can't remember what it was called. Anyone know? And have they still not fixed it yet?
I wasn't really thinking of the Journal but you can keep using syslog if you want. You can also start your own shell scripts with systemd, but I'm guessing you know that already.![]()
Problem with Pulse Audio is a problem I have with a lot of new "cutting edge" Linux stuff in general. Most of the stuff is good ideas, but they get pushed to mainstays in distros when the ideas are only half baked. They do this partly to help speed up development though because of the way a lot of distro development works. If it didn't get pushed it wouldn't get priority.
That being said a lot of things get pushed to the end user to early like Pulse Audio (who didn't have random WTF Pulse Audio issues back in the day?). I don't know of a better way to get around this idea though.
Thankfully we seem to be over a lot of the initial growing pains, and we have viable alternatives to roll with that aren't hella old and out dated while new things try and get their kinks worked out. A good example of this IMO is btrfs as it could have been pushed as the main default file system years ago for many distros, but a lot have held off while still giving you btrfs as a secondary option. It helps when you have something like ext4 to fall back on as your default though. Back in the day they didn't really have this option.
Same for Gnome 2, KDE4, Gnome 3, Unity, etc. But you said it yourself, the only way to get real dev momentum going is to put it front and center so that devs throw their hands up and say "this sucks so much I'm going to do something about it."
A good example of this IMO is btrfs as it could have been pushed as the main default file system years ago for many distros, but a lot have held off while still giving you btrfs as a secondary option. It helps when you have something like ext4 to fall back on as your default though. Back in the day they didn't really have this option.
I don't think you should give users bad software just to speed up development....
I would actually say that it's a bad idea in general...
I mean, at least with systemd, it actually works, even if you disagree with some of its operation.
I don't think you should give users bad software just to speed up development....
I would actually say that it's a bad idea in general...
I mean, at least with systemd, it actually works, even if you disagree with some of its operation.
It's a bad idea, but it's how the Linux ecosystem works. There aren't enough devs to go around.
This is less of an issue now as a lot of kinks have been worked out and/or have solid replacements. In the earlier days of Linux they didn't have much of a choice though.
I don't think that's true at all.
Actually, I would say that it's usually not true.
That is a comment about the first statement.
As far as the second statement goes, I don't think that'st true either, since I'm not sure what "aren't enough devs" actually means. It's not like there is some hard deadline they have to march towards. (and it's not as though adding lots of people makes projects go faster... to a certain extend, it's the opposite effect.)
I would argue that the whole pulse audio thing isn't really "early days".
I knew about being to run my own syslog daemon but not about being able to continue to use shell scripts. Do you mean launching shell scripts within service files or launching services from shell scripts (without needing to use systemctl) because the latter is what I'm more concerned about. Regardless at the point where I'm replacing many parts of systemd then I'd ask myself why am I even using it. I currently use OpenRC and it works fine for me. There are other issues I have with it as well.
I don't just outright hate it and I can see the benefit of some of what it offers. My gripe is probably mostly due to how much it changes and integrates compared to what I'm used to using from years of working with Linux (and what I consider to work better). Had I just got into it then maybe I wouldn't care so much.
Ok, this is it for me, I don't fucking care if you can disable it.[IMG]
It looks like Canonical has followed the trend settled by both Microsoft and Apple of making an OS suited to their own needs instead of suited to the user needs. If they are going to follow this path with Ubuntu, they can be sure it's not going to be with my support. Which are the best user-friendly alternatives?[/QUOTE]
I use Fedora myself. If you want Ubuntu minus Canonical's stuff you could start with [url=""]this[/url].
Still amazed we have a native version of Torchlight for Linux now (just played some more after getting done watching football).
I think the "hate" might be because he's been fairly vocal about doing linux-only development (vs conforming to posix api calls) for the purposes of flexibility and simplicity in the dev cycle.Poettering is easily one of the best engineers working on Linux.
People that hate him do so because they're idiots.
You can still use one of the 100 spin offs, including Linux Mint, if you want the benefit of the Ubuntu dev/testing ecosystem but don't want Unity or (in this case) stupid store nonsense all up in your grill.Ok, this is it for me, I don't fucking care if you can disable it.
It looks like Canonical has followed the trend settled by both Microsoft and Apple of making an OS suited to their own needs instead of suited to the user needs. If they are going to follow this path with Ubuntu, they can be sure it's not going to be with my support. Which are the best user-friendly alternatives?
This is a fairly dubious assertion. We don't have exact numbers for Microsoft and Apple, but for core kernel development or even low level OS features, I have to imagine Linux has them outclassed by an order of magnitude. Instead of one company driving activity, you have many.It's a bad idea, but it's how the Linux ecosystem works. There aren't enough devs to go around.
Hmm, there must be something wrong with my drivers.
Only the bruttish warrior guy has a face, the other player characters are faceless for me.
No I get that too. It worked for my dude at 1st, but then I got this hood thing, and there's no face now. I think it's just a bug, and it has to do with what helm you have on. It's only in the main character select screen for me so I don't really care. Top down view in game makes it basically irrelevant.
PS: On a side note and maybe this already exists but I wish I could make it so the dash in Ubuntu cleared back the nothing verses keeping the last thing you typed in when reclick. I guess it could be annoying if you accidentally click off, but give me a toggle. That or just keep the type saved for like 30 seconds or something.