Zaptruder said:whining
Why is it that even the most innocuous topics here degenerate into mud slinging arguments? Are you guys that bored?
Zaptruder said:whining
belgurdo said:retarded reply
u_neek said:![]()
Uhm.. ew...
Freestyler said:How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?
God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.
You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.
People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.
Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.
So I'd like to again reinforce my message:
Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.
Freestyler said:How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?
God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.
You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.
People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.
Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.
So I'd like to again reinforce my message:
Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.
People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all
Freestyler said:How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?
God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.
You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.
People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.
Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.
So I'd like to again reinforce my message:
Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.
Freestyler said:How do you know it's a bad diet and not an unfortunate genetic thing that's suddenly caught up on her?
Let's post pictures of heaps of guys and girls with aids, because like every one of them has been naughty and had unprotected sex and stuff! Even the little kids in Africa! Yes they're all sluts.
Or how about obese people with eating disorders that are just SOOOOOO fat! HAHAHA laugh at the fatties. After all, it's their baaaaaad diet that does it! So we can laugh at them!
Freestyler said:No, the real crime is that a bunch of guys on an internet message board think they have the expertise, inside knowledge and the right to judge a celebrity because of a handful of bad photos.
I'm sorry I over-reacted a tad on this issue, but it's just the whole Britney thing over again; let the celebs be, if they wanna come into the spotlight then you can bet they'll be looking fab but when they wanna go off and take a break from the media, they can look how they wanna and should be able to without everyone judging them.
I just expected better from the people here who are usually so accepting of everything![]()
Freestyler said:No, the real crime is that a bunch of guys on an internet message board think they have the expertise, inside knowledge and the right to judge a celebrity because of a handful of bad photos.
I just expected better from the people here who are usually so accepting of everything![]()
I just expected better from...
...a bunch of guys on an internet message board...
...because of a handful of bad photos.
Zaptruder said:It's not a bad fucking day. It's a bad fucking diet. Retard.
Freestyler said:How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?
God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.
You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.
People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.
Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.
So I'd like to again reinforce my message:
Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.
Hey. Break it to him easy. He's gay, so he's probably sensitive.karasu said:You do realize that you have no chance with her don't you?
Freestyler said::lol
Sensitive no (caring yes), and I would hit it anyhoo. But I'd much rather just be her best friend and have little girly sleepovers and watch chic flick movies and have pillow fights etc. etc.
And part of being a best friend is going in to bat for your friend whether you know they're right or wrong (in this case she hasn't done anything wrong).
Go Go Ackman! said:"Self-mutilation?" Let's be as over-dramatic as possible!
Dude, be a man, grab your balls, and stop feeling sorry for these people. Humans are capable of their own decisions and actions. Do you lament over fatasses eating themselves into tubby oblivion? Or drug addicts? Or criminals?
What disgusts me is PC lamers who act like their brains release endorphins ever time they sigh 'woe-is-me' over some bitch in hollywood losing some weight. And for the record, I prefer babyfat lohan over skinny lohan.
Freestyler said:So I'd like to again reinforce my message:
Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.
Freestyler said:Sensitive no (caring yes), and I would hit it anyhoo. But I'd much rather just be her best friend and have little girly sleepovers and watch chic flick movies and have pillow fights etc. etc.
Go Go Ackman! said:Let me come right out and say it: You're a PC nancy-boy, and it sounds like you run your posts past your mother/girlfriend for approval before submitting them.
I have nothing against you personally, but I'm sick and tired of your line of thinking.
Zaptruder said:Fuck you dipshit.
belgurdo said:I bet you were the top member of Debate Club