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Lohan-watch: Now in HD

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Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
regardless of what anyone here looks like themselves, that chick is doing something disturbing to herself and somebody should be fixing it. Also, most of the criticism probably comes from not having a clue what these silly bitches are thinking ruining themselves like that. I sure don't, and never will understand anorexia, which she surely looks like she has right now.


belgurdo said:
retarded reply

Because the initial issue has to do with a large pictures of a previously hot girl turning into an 'ugly' one (the best term is 'much less attractive than before' if you want to be pedantic) because she's lost too much weight?

My question is, how's your retarded reply relevant to that topic of conversation?


u_neek said:

Uhm.. ew...

That pic reminds me of Magda in "There's Something about Mary"

Damn you lohan for ruining yourself.

Damn you...
How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?

God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.

You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.

Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.

So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.


Freestyler said:
How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?

God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.

You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.

Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.

So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.



Freestyler said:
How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?

God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.

You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.

Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.

So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all

she didnt get ugly, she lost a lot of weight fairly quickly. that's the issue. that's not healthy.


Freestyler said:
How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?

God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.

You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.

Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.

So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.

Dumb ass, you'd be blind to think she really looks as good now as she did then.

It's not a bad fucking day. It's a bad fucking diet. Retard.
How do you know it's a bad diet and not an unfortunate genetic thing that's suddenly caught up on her?

Let's post pictures of heaps of guys and girls with aids, because like every one of them has been naughty and had unprotected sex and stuff! Even the little kids in Africa! Yes they're all sluts.

Or how about obese people with eating disorders that are just SOOOOOO fat! HAHAHA laugh at the fatties. After all, it's their baaaaaad diet that does it! So we can laugh at them!
Freestyler said:
How do you know it's a bad diet and not an unfortunate genetic thing that's suddenly caught up on her?

Let's post pictures of heaps of guys and girls with aids, because like every one of them has been naughty and had unprotected sex and stuff! Even the little kids in Africa! Yes they're all sluts.

Or how about obese people with eating disorders that are just SOOOOOO fat! HAHAHA laugh at the fatties. After all, it's their baaaaaad diet that does it! So we can laugh at them!

Or, more then likely, she is anorexic or has a healthy addiction to cocaine or heroin... or all of the above.

Besides, the real crime in all of this is the damn bleach to the hair.
No, the real crime is that a bunch of guys on an internet message board think they have the expertise, inside knowledge and the right to judge a celebrity because of a handful of bad photos.

I'm sorry I over-reacted a tad on this issue, but it's just the whole Britney thing over again; let the celebs be, if they wanna come into the spotlight then you can bet they'll be looking fab but when they wanna go off and take a break from the media, they can look how they wanna and should be able to without everyone judging them.

I just expected better from the people here who are usually so accepting of everything :)
Freestyler said:
No, the real crime is that a bunch of guys on an internet message board think they have the expertise, inside knowledge and the right to judge a celebrity because of a handful of bad photos.

I'm sorry I over-reacted a tad on this issue, but it's just the whole Britney thing over again; let the celebs be, if they wanna come into the spotlight then you can bet they'll be looking fab but when they wanna go off and take a break from the media, they can look how they wanna and should be able to without everyone judging them.

I just expected better from the people here who are usually so accepting of everything :)

Well, its the essence of celebrity, the very definition is that they are under the spotlight. They don't get the choice of when they get to be out of the spotlight, and if they really wanted to be out of it, they is a quick and easy way to do it. Act normal and don't do anything, especially something tragic that will make headlines, like having an eating disorder or snorting coke in the back rooms of clubs in LA with Nicole Ritche, then shooting up heroin while after getting boned by Bruce Willis. Now, yes, I did embellish a little on most of that, but each and every part of that would sell well.

Now, I know this is going to sound oh so tragic, but guess what, we are human, she is a celeb, she makes a career on her looks (if you think its her acting ability or lyrical talent, please find a wall to hit your head against), and when she does something like that to what makes her money, I am going to laugh my ass off and make fun of it, just as I did with Nintendo's e3 conference.


Freestyler said:
No, the real crime is that a bunch of guys on an internet message board think they have the expertise, inside knowledge and the right to judge a celebrity because of a handful of bad photos.

I just expected better from the people here who are usually so accepting of everything :)

Are you kidding?

GAF is an online forum. No one knows who you are online, so you can say whatever the hell you want. People gossip all the time in real life about celebrities (tabloids, etc) so to assume an online forum like GAF would be respectful of something like this is just so naive.
Zaptruder said:
It's not a bad fucking day. It's a bad fucking diet. Retard.

Let me come right out and say it: You're a PC nancy-boy, and it sounds like you run your posts past your mother/girlfriend for approval before submitting them.

I have nothing against you personally, but I'm sick and tired of your line of thinking.

J2 Cool

How the hell do you guys make an intricate and well thought out argument about this? Bottom line is, she lost her titties, curves, and red hair. Basically what she seriously had going for her, and that's not cool. End of story. And yes, she did look good in that Italian skit. :-/


Freestyler said:
How about all the fatties lurking around here post pictures of themselves, and we'll all be like 'EWWWW they're obese, they're gonna DIE of OBESITY! They look like shit compared to what they used to!'?

God damnit, I'm sick of people judging hollywood girls from the photos they see that are DESIGNED to make them look thin.

You realise Lohan could easily have a photoshoot right now with proper lighting, a wardrobe of her choice, all her hair and makeup done etc., and look scorching hot? You wouldn't even think that she was anorexic or unhealthily thin.

People jump at the first time they see a celeb looking slightly less attractive than when they've been airbrushed in a studio photo on the front of Maxim. Well guess what, Lindsay Lohan has her bad days, as do we all.

Oh and the breast implant scar thing? Let's all take naked photos of ourselves and we'll bitch about each others penises or something. That shit isn't meant to be seen by the general public and if she had it her way and wasn't stalked by Papparazi every minute of her life, we wouldn't even know there was a scar there.

So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.

You do realize that you have no chance with her don't you?

Sensitive no (caring yes), and I would hit it anyhoo. But I'd much rather just be her best friend and have little girly sleepovers and watch chic flick movies and have pillow fights etc. etc.

And part of being a best friend is going in to bat for your friend whether you know they're right or wrong (in this case she hasn't done anything wrong).
Freestyler said:

Sensitive no (caring yes), and I would hit it anyhoo. But I'd much rather just be her best friend and have little girly sleepovers and watch chic flick movies and have pillow fights etc. etc.

And part of being a best friend is going in to bat for your friend whether you know they're right or wrong (in this case she hasn't done anything wrong).

When did you become all chummy with Lohan? And tell her to eat something.


Go Go Ackman! said:
"Self-mutilation?" Let's be as over-dramatic as possible!

Dude, be a man, grab your balls, and stop feeling sorry for these people. Humans are capable of their own decisions and actions. Do you lament over fatasses eating themselves into tubby oblivion? Or drug addicts? Or criminals?

What disgusts me is PC lamers who act like their brains release endorphins ever time they sigh 'woe-is-me' over some bitch in hollywood losing some weight. And for the record, I prefer babyfat lohan over skinny lohan.

You sound like you care about her a lot more then we do. We're only looking at her as a once-sexy pork chop who now has nothing left but the grizzle and bone. Meanwhile you're nearly in tears and getting on our case for voicing that opinion and caring too much about her. Seriously, grow up.

Freestyler said:
So I'd like to again reinforce my message:

Don't hate on gorgeous celebs unless you're willing to post your own photo of you on a bad day, and have us give you a fucking complex about your looks and your body.

But when someone posts a pic of themselves, you say they're too obese and ugly to pass judgement on the looks of someone else, thus making your words horseshit.

Tell you what...why don't you post your GQ porfolio for the world to see, before you start handing out challenges to everyone else. Then maybe you'll have a half leg to stand on.

The point you dumb twats seem to miss is that most people thought Lohan looked gorgeous. The problem is that in the last few months, she's somehow been transformed into a female version of Skeletor. And sorry, special photos don't add or take away that much flesh. If you think she's gorgeous, then that's great...I guess you also think Michael Jackson looks as good now as he did twenty years ago. For I and others with a decent pair of eyes, we'll continue to look at reality.

Freestyler said:
Sensitive no (caring yes), and I would hit it anyhoo. But I'd much rather just be her best friend and have little girly sleepovers and watch chic flick movies and have pillow fights etc. etc.

:lol :lol :lol


Go Go Ackman! said:
Let me come right out and say it: You're a PC nancy-boy, and it sounds like you run your posts past your mother/girlfriend for approval before submitting them.

I have nothing against you personally, but I'm sick and tired of your line of thinking.

Fuck you dipshit. I'm even more peturbed by your idiocy. What the fuck are you calling out anyway?

That I said it was a pity that a hotgirl has wasted away like this? That I attribute the wastage to a twisted perception that she has on what it is to look hot?

Because the first statement is a relative truth, and the second is PC in what way? It's what I've learned in my time studying, and it seems to be what's happening here.

If you have something against better understanding or facts, then that's too bad for you assmunch.
I don't understand the reasoning behind the 'let her do what she wants' ideology in this instance. This isn't about eating unhealthy at Mcdonalds or heavy drinking. This is pretty serious. Whatever she's doing, be it hard drugs or starving herself, is VERY dangerous. How is it that us speaking out about actions that can kill herself is somehow 'politically correct'? No one's forcing her to stop doing what she's doing. But the obvious problem, by reading her quotes, is that she doesn't even KNOW that she's damaging her body, and defends her actions in the name of 'beauty'. It's more of a media problem than anything else. Let's see if she's in the next Mission Impossible movie.


belgurdo said:
I bet you were the top member of Debate Club

No. I just don't appreciate it when dipshits come in and start insulting me on a tangent, without logic, rhyme or reason. Infuriating some would say.
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