Well you're lucky that your program is compliant, then-- LOTS of programs still skirt the rule from what I hear, for various reasons: some hospitals are just overburdened, and there is a lot of backlash against the 80-hour rule from older physicians (who, like I said, used to put in 100-120 hours/week)-- not out of jealousy, or because they feel you're "getting off easy", but from what I hear (and it makes sense in a way), they feel that you're essentially cutting a 5 year residency into 4 years if you lower the hours by 20%. They feel that today's physicians consequently aren't getting the same type of learning experience as those in years past did. In fact, the term "residency" arose because doctors actually used to
live in the hopsitals during those years (literally-- as in sleeping/eating/bathing etc.); if you visit some older hospitals, you can still find some residence halls. Then, of course, there's the other school of thought that says "if you can't learn something in 80-90 hours/week, then something is just
wrong". In either case, then or now, people always forget that those 80-100+ hours are just the residency-- it doesn't (from what I've heard) factor in study or research time etc. Do you find that to be the case? Or do you have enough down time while on-call to keep up with studying?
And there are people in this country who want physicians to be paid $80-90K, like in Canada. Yeah, real fair. :lol I have all the respect in the world for you, dude. Keep your head up.
Nobody will mind your venting, I'm sure. General surgery residency is just, well...insane.